
We have enough (non insect) food production capability on earth to feed 10 billion people. All the starvation that you see around the world is caused by logistic, political and economic hindrances.

404 on-ramp not found.

And building their destroyers out of highly flammable aluminum. Exocet-fodder

So? Everyone in NASA has at least 4 to 6 years of top level college education under their belts. Thats maybe not philosophy and cultural anthropology classes but for most of them it was STEM classes. If you can go all the way through a master degree in astrophysics and still maintain your core spiritual beliefs and

I am a non-believer also, but you should know that most of the Mercury through Apollo astronauts along with their support teams back on earth were religiose. What I mean by this is that they were able to set aside the religious side of themselves while expanding the envelope of science both in space and on earth. Gene

That's what I thought too... *In a sinister tone* "An anti-IMF"... I was like, how do you make NGO microloan programs sound sinister?

"Oh, about half a pedj-aa(big bird leg with broken toe and little bird)... Maybe a quarter meh nedjes(arm on a desk and little bird) with massive debt problems."

Could the customer have been wondering whether it was a regular dozen(12) or a bakers dozen(13)?

"Calcium free cheese, I'm allergic to calcium."

I worked at an A&W and one of the dumb customer stories that has stuck with me was the one where a man asked me "How long are your guy's FOOTLONG coneys?" I promptly responded back with "Metric or Imperial?"

If Mazda would slap in a smaller engine with a turbo, power would match what's one of the best tuned front-wheel-drive chassis in existence

Good points regarding the use of other military (and probably Coast Guard) helos and assets if they really do need 20 or more helicopters. I didn't think about the Marines or the Secret Service just being able to grab however helicopters they need from the various military bases around D.C. and I guess with Marines

Well it's easy for the state department to sell the 747-8, more fuel efficient(tax pays pay less for fuel), less noise pollution. As for the President needing a 20+ helicopter squadron... I would think that he would need more than that. First assume that the whole fleet is alway perfectly maintained, this would

Yeah, but if the state department or the DOD were to propose a budget of a few tens of thousands of dollars to, say make the interior of Marine One look more modern the media would have a field day. They would be saying things like "I don't pay my hard earned tax money so that the president can fly around in an aeron

All democratically elected leaders have to walk the fine line between luxury and modesty when it comes to their appearances. Despots, CEOs and other wealthy individuals in the private sector are free to flaunt their wealth and power all they like, but if a democratically elected official were to do the same the public

It's like the distilled essence of every horrible, self-important college kid you've ever met

Look at the headlights and tube frame, it's Honda Ruckus on steroids... Which is awesome!

For those of you who are afraid that the LHC may create earth eating backholes just know that if the LHC were to create a backhoe it would evaporate almost immediately because of hawking radiation.

Also, don't cross the streams.

Can the city of Chicago pool its resources and buy both Willis Group Holdings Limited and Sears, liquidate Sears and change the name of the Willis Group to Sears Group?