
Hold it together there Beeblebrox.

I reloaded the page and saw the new refueling control station photo. So they will not be using a VR headset, but multiple screens with a main and large(ish) polarized 3D display with the operator wearing polarized 3D glasses. This setup will increase the cognitive load on the operator vs the more intuitive "just look

three-point hose and drogue refueling system

Renting the tankers? What was Boeing thinking with that? I would like to have seen Boeing attempt to repossess the tankers during a wartime operation.

Star Wars must take place in a universe whose laws of physics are the same or similar to our own, otherwise... you know... bipedal intelligent humanoid organisms would never have evolved to look and function just like us(minus the force of course, but in the STU you don't have to be force sensitive to not be crushed

Thats just how JJ works. Look at what he did with the Star Trek TOS canon.

S0 in 2028 the total US defence budget of $495.6 billion will get us a single F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and a single nuclear weapon to carry on it. The F-35 will be grounded for maintenance though.

Amazingly not that hard to do, Car & Driver built a last gen Mazdaspeed 5.

I with Mazda used this upgradeable model, I would love a Mazda Protege5 with a 1.6 or 1.8 SkyActiv drivetrain.

Interesting to see the folded wing bend slightly at the hinges during the roll at 02:22.

uncomplicated = culturally universal, just like how the first media imports into the US from Japan were fighting robots and giant monsters. I would say, just give the Chinese consumer some time and they will get over the novelty of CGI explosions and start demanding smarter films.

Unfortunately I am willing to bet all studios will hear is blah blah blah blah blah blah Transformers: Age of Extinction made more than $1 billion worldwide and continue to sell CGI explosions to people in Asia until 5-10 years from now they get sick of it, just as we have.

Wait, it wasn't set in a dystopia? I mean much of the story takes place in central Indiana...

Looks just like my 8 year old puppy.

Where the hell does a 23 year old get $150,000?

Paint it red, put a tassel on it and sell it to disgruntled Doctor Who fans.

Is there any difference between the two different types of refueling system? There is the flying boom and the probe-and-drogue systems I know that, but I am wondering why some aircraft of the same general size use the flying boom while others use the probe-and-drogue system.

These are PlayStation 1 graphics with my 9 year old nostalgia filter applied.

Well after the Don't Jerk & Drive campaign, what else are they supposed to be doing while driving in South Dakota?

I mean why not make the entire front of the car a big chevy bowtie?