Minivans suck. I leased a loaded Grand Caravan.
Minivans suck. I leased a loaded Grand Caravan.
Yeah, A really forward looking auto company could basically prepare designs now for the perfect vehicle to sell 20, 40, 60 years into the future. No more having to rush the development of a minivan or crossover in order to capitalize on a trend. Same thing with small things such as rear taillight designs. Just map out…
Yup, it's the classic "I don't want to drive my kids to school in the car my parents drove me to school in" sinusoidal waveform.
Yes, but my comments in this article reside in the mad mad mad The 2014 Oldsmobile Cutlass Is Better Than Ever world. The same world where brand new BMW 6 series look like 15 year old Pontiacs. My first post here in the article was a tongue and cheek reference to Orlove's article but with the sarcastic brand reference…
I don't get what you mean? The car I posted above is manufactured by the American car company Honda(one of the American big three, Honda, Toyota, and Lada). GM on the other hand had just kicked some serious ass in the World Rally Championship with the then just released third generation Chevrolet(a sub-brand of GM)…
... which when released ended up being a Belgian built Opel Kadett wareing Harley Earl's knickers.
Thats a nice looking 6th generation Cutlass Supreme convertible. I am so glad they split the Cutlass Supreme sedan/coupe and convertible into two different platforms so the Cutlass convertible could go back to it's 1960s rear wheel drive roots. It's a shame Oldsmobile dropped the convertible model with the 7th and 8th…
If your enemy as developed heat dissipating armor to counter laser based weapons I could see the Navy using a small caliber gun or rail gun to first damage the likely delicate ceramic or heat exchanger based antilaser armor then follow up with the target tracking high power laser.
A job interview 20 years from now:
While this vehicle has the bulbous build of a crossover, Mercedes says "occupants are led to believe that they are in sports rather than off-road mode." If the high ride height confused you about that, just look at the gaping air intakes and steamroller wheels with up to 22" of bling. It all says speed,man.
Yeah, if he had killed a bicyclist the NYPD would have given him a medal.
Jason Torchinsky was a widower who lived with his — in his words — "colored nurse" named Prescott. Prescott was awesome and always super nice — he would have an Arnold palmer, the free shrimp cocktail club members received, a fried shrimp and fish platter, and a slice of pecan pie. Always. If you ever asked her what…
I wanna meet the couple (and it has to be a couple) who share such an obsession with coffee that they need to drop two grand on a NASA-designed espresso spaceship
Good point, I thought that the differences in labor relations would be too different between Germany and the US for somthing like that to work. There is a big cultural difference between the US and Germany though, in the US unions were created to counter the exploitative effects of big capital while it seems like…
I wonder if VAG could get IG Metall to open up membership to their US workers, thus streamlining the already existing VW autoworker relationship?