Max Bedroom

Watch out, he'll have you blacklisted

At least he didn't number each tweet

Has he made any more changes to the album?

No, it's Andy Warhol

I don't think it's fair to equate Oscar Isaac to God.

oh my god shoes

I swear the producers spent the last two seasons going on and on about how U.S. ratings didn't matter because its international support was so strong.

Nobody actually likes this guy's stuff, right? His films are just kind of there; your eyes glaze over a bit while you watch, pausing Netflix to see how much longer you've got to go.

Over here

Oftentimes the scripts are little more than fun reads, but "huh, that was fun" usually doesn't translate on screen. They tend to offer super boring visuals, which doesn't give directors much to work with. Looking at Faults, Draft Day, Transcendence (which I did not picture at all being the Christopher Nolan film it

Who will play the topless woman at the beach?

Used to crash my old tablet back in 2012 playing with that

When Dan listed "filmmaker" I'm sorry to say I correctly assumed he made Smoke Signals, since that's the only kinda-sorta-mainstream Native American film I can think of. Anyway, good movie

I watched the first episode and it was a big NOPE for me, but a lot of my friends are into fantasy stuff so I'm happy they get more shows to watch.

That's a "Great Job, Internet!" post waiting to happen

I went to Rabin's book tour stop in Milwaukee while he was promoting You Don't Know Me. At the podium he made a hand gesture which knocked his water bottle to the ground, soaking his backpack. I thought more people were going to be at the event and was kind of disappointed by that in a weird way. Anyway he was cool

So… nothing

Whatever happened to predictability
To read any good news on the newspaper page

Reading about the show I get the feeling they actually had a full season ready to go but production cut off halfway through. That explains the abrupt ending, which feels more like the turning point in a season. Doubt we'll get any more episodes but as is it feels like watching a show that got canceled mid-season.

Kurt Russell to appear at every Hateful Eight 70mm screening