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    How about rules for commenting? Are you allowed to make a comment if you can't tell when someone's joking?

    If you have a N64, Jet Force Gemini had a similar mode with that little robot drone.

    have you ever been in a church youth lounge? it would be completely normal to find bible verses written on the wall in that environment. kids paint and decorate rooms like that all the time.

    Maybe my favorite part was everyone's ominous whispering about "lines of scripture," — surely the most dangerous thing one could find on the walls inside a church!

    - Cops make far-fetched claims of satanic worship based on nothing but word-of-mouth confession from an individual whom they themselves characterize as unstable.

    Seriously shoddy work by Vice.

    This video is not an example.

    Speaking of KR0, anyone know when episode 4 is scheduled to drop?

    Glad it wasn't just me. When the ceiling came back down and the song ended, I realized I'd just been sitting there with my mouth gaping open. I haven't been sucked that far into a game world in a looooong time.

    That's intriguing. My interpretation went off in a third direction, based on XANADU. It seemed like the cave portion of the game was suggesting that none of the game characters, from Conway on down, are actually "real" in the game world. Rather, they're aspects of a computerized simulation. And the computer, abandoned

    I still struggle to understand how anything in that episode could have been real.

    Because he's hilarious?

    Seriously, that dude is a genius. AVC had better hope it even has reviewers who can do this show justice.

    Yeah, I get that. But how do you run from the devil? I know Lester isn't the bravest guy, but presumably he just watched his best chance—no matter how slim—fade away.

    Malvo's name adds interesting shading to his character as well. Lorne as in "lorn," lonely, and Malvo as the Latin root for malevolent or evil. (See Shakespeare's Malvolio.) An evil force that is also lonely—sounds demonic to me.

    Let this be a lesson, everyone. If you're going to murder people, frame someone else for it, and barely escape three separate hitmen and two police forces, keep a go bag in arms reach at all times! Don't spread that shit out to multiple locations.

    Kind of agree with this, I feel a sort of deranged affection for Lester at this point. The only thing I can't figure is why he didn't take any action when he sent his wife into the office. You've got Malvo right there in your sights, his guard is down, and you've got a loaded pistol with you. How are you not racing

    Kenard indeed. Watching this last night the first thing that crossed my mind at that moment was "well, she sort of was the Omar of the Wildings."

    is that why it took you five days to read it?

    Yeah, those video…things? Whaddya call'em? ¯\_(๏̯͡๏)_/¯