Max Smith

This is a terrorist wet dream. Thousands of people packed into a confined space, pre-security? All you have to do is shout, "HE HAS A BOMB!" to kill hundreds in the stampede? Thank you, security theater, for making us more vulnerable than ever...

No...that's its gimmick. Like the Wii and its motion controls and the WiiU and its gamepad. I'm not sure you understand the definition of gimmick, to be honest...

You can improve my quality of life by releasing the Pokemon Bank god dammit.

Its cool when very different people can come together to find something they can agree on like how Macklemore dislikes George W. Bush because of his stance on gay marriage and Carroll dislikes him because he blew up the twin towers.

If by "America" you mean "old white people who take sports too seriously", then yeah, they're Broncos fans now.

Silly Samer. The ski lift is right there practicing in the fifth picture.

Ah, West Virginia.