Captain Max and JINX

The Marine PFT is also score based. If you complete the bare minimum in all three event, you fail the overall PFT.

There is no chance that this program will get cancelled. The Echo airframe is life-limited and need an expensive SLEP program to continue flying for an extended period. The need for heavy lift aircraft is so great that all of the 53s were pulled from HMX and sent out to the fleet. The Deltas are being phased out and

BAMS-D "is" a deployed aircraft that is currently the only HALE game in town for the Navy until Triton comes on line. Sure they are old and the technology isn't cutting edge even for Global Hawk, but they have managed to crank out a lot of hours on those airframes in a short amount of time.

Only one of the BAMS-D aircraft crashed. There are more that are still operational.

Part of the reason that the Triton is not operational right now is because it is more than the next step forward from the Global Hawk platform. It is a giant leap forward in technology. Entire aspects of the Global Hawk system architecture have been completely redesigned for Triton including command and control

If loving every single last one of these foods is wrong, then I don't want to be right!

Whoever it was, that person was a genius!

You're right. They aren't rotten.

Had the children been left out in the sun for 9 days?

How did people even originally decide to eat Balut? "Hey, these eggs have been rotting out here in the sun for over a week. Should we toss 'em?" "No, let's crack them open and try eating some."

Then I shall eat some tonight!

I have two very important questions: are these available now and where can I buy them?

Thank you for dismissing the idea of Manhattan Clam Chowder. It needed to be done. Clam chowder should never be red.

I don't think that you really need to. You could mostly follow the second book, but I'd read it anyways.

It's better!

Old-time hockey!!

It's like getting a Jam of the Month club membership. No actual present, but something should arrive in a few weeks.

That bear is probably just covering up evidence for Aaron Hernandez.

I lived in Italy for two years and ESPN America was the only barrier against soccer, which the Italians call calcio for some reason.

Has anyone questioned Aaron Hernandez about Trayvon Martin?