
She doesn’t want to share space with a minority group because she’s afraid. And yes, that makes her a bigot … but from that angle, I can feel slightly sympathetic towards her, because I understand how fear makes people exclude others, I understand how irrational and overwhelming fear can be. But she’s so smug about

I can imagine being as super famous as she is and not wanting to do the Internet at all, because the kind of toxic shit you might see people saying about you might make you want to die. So I sort of believe her. I think that she knew about it on some level – she just might not have known the details. What I think

To everyone saying that this was all so obvious since 1993, and that Leaving Neverland didn’t actually provide anything new … I only vaguely remember the 1993 trial, but I remember the Bashir doc clearly. Jackson came across as SO weird and creepy and embarrassing, and I thought “Yeah, that guy’s got major problems” …

Murakami’s sex scenes when taken in isolation seem bad … but then so much of his work is dominated by symbolism, and there’s usually more behind the “reality” presented in a scene. For instance, in almost every book there’s the theme of separation of flesh and spirit, to the point where people have sex with spirits

I wish there was a creepiness machine that every aspiring politician had to go through, sort of like a lie detector test, and if someone like Cruz went through it he’d be expelled and permanently disbarred from any political office.