
“Meet my Chief of Staff, Rinds Prius.”

Or the anagram Penis Rice-A-Roni.

Charming. I had forgotten that because I most prominently associate him with this and the “black crime” designated section on his website. From the same ex wife

Don’t forget this:

My brain refuses to learn how to pronounce his name. Keeps telling me “Prince Reebus.”

I was upset about Reince (a bad guy and the most establishment of establishment Republicans), until I saw that Bannon — a sexist, racist, anti semitic, anti-LGBQT, shit heel of a man — will have the ear of a child with impulse control for the next 4 years.

I wasn’t just poor people. In fact the poorest demographic went for Clinton. Voters in the six figures went for trump. Taxes are more important to them than their own citizens.

Like Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger before him, Trump will demonstrate that electing a celebrity with no actual knowledge of how government works doesn’t work out that well. Ventura and Schwarzenegger both pissed off legislators of their own party so badly that they couldn’t get much of anything done, and

Toll booths every 5 miles! Sponsored by the job you need to drive to that will pay you just enough to pay for the booths you need to drive through to get to the job that pays you just enough...

And of course, there is #3 on the 100 day mission - privatizing road and bridges. Anyone else looking forward to the toll booths?

What about a joint Bachelor/Bachelorette season where everyone is bisexual and competing against each? That would definitely shake things up. 100% would watch.

I shouldn’t be as mad as I am about the cake in that Youtube preview.

Why do people who make a living off of how svelte they are get the most amazing looking desserts?

They can’t enjoy that multi-colored frosted delight as much as the rest of us! *Goes to get some cake to subside cake-rage*

Isn’t that just called being female in public?

True story. I once heard a judge ask a college kid if he was drunk when he peed on the doorknob of a girl in his dorm. The young man stood up straight and said “No, m’am!” with pride. The judge looked up and said “Oh. I wish you had been. I’d feel better about this.” Courtroom burst out laughing. 

Hillary may be shitty at telling jokes, but she is a straight up gangster when it comes to sitting at a table chitchatting with someone she fucking hates. She was first lady! Trump however has spent his life paying people to keep frustrating situations as far from him as possible, and lashing out when he feels

And another thing! Hillary got some pithy zingers in last night. They worked, because they were a great combo of wonk and bite. At heart, she is a huge nerd and needs to rock that shit. I hope somebody is compiling some of this stuff as fodder to rework for that roast and beyond:

Now playing

I think she was positively delightful on that Australian show. I’ve rewatched that interview at least 10 times.

I can feel my anxiety flaring up just imagining having to attend this thing. Good grief.

I will personally donate 50 cents (despite my deep seated hatred of organized religion) if one of them throws a baked potato at the other during the dinner.