
That’s fine. I’m taking about in the us. If I go to Latin America I adapt, if Someone from Brazil comes to the us they will adapt to handshakes. When in Rome. Donald Trump is not in Rome, he just likes kissing women.

In france, you touch your cheeks and you kiss the air essentially. It’s still too close or intimate for American social norms, but it’s nothing like grabbing someone bringing them towards your face and kissing them on the lips.

I think everyone know this. The point is, most Hispanic men and woman don’t kiss strangers in the USA. Let alone non-Hispanic people like Trump. When I’m at home, I kiss people on both cheeks. When I’m away, I don’t. This is not difficult.

I know exactly why these women didn’t come forward. For 18 years, I have worked in a male dominated industry. I also live in a very “conservative” part of the country. I worked as a Sales Director for 10 of them before I had a nervous breakdown from all the sexual harassment and went into another division of the

I actually just came back from a business trip to France. I know one week in one corner of France is hardly a large sample size, but I did see the kissing tradition and I did note something. The only people I saw doing so were easily 50+. I swear that I didn’t see anyone 30's or younger do it. I think even in France

No human being can be this awful all by himself. Trump has a LARGE system of oppression and abuse, which requires A LOT of people to enforce. As enraged as I am about this man, I want names to come out. Who managed the payoffs? Who allowed him in the dressing rooms with the naked young women? I WANT NAMES.

Who to believe? A woman who said she was groped or a man who said he gropes? That’s a tough one.

This is what they make gatefolds for. I suspect we’ll need three or four panels.

I know this is horrible to say, but I hope he has Cosby levels of accusers come out.

To paraphrase a tweet I once saw, “Are we sure Curt Schilling was actually good at pitching? Maybe baseballs were just trying to get away from his awful opinions.”

A well-proportioned warthog.

Nope- that was Kourtney. I’m ashamed to know this...

On a related note, I’m sort of surprised Caitlyn Jenner has yet to chime in with her own delusional defense of Trump’s behavior towards women.

Exactly. She was so trying to set him up for a solid interview to defend Trump, maybe make an anti-tax statement along the way and he would be done with it. Even when he started going off of the rails she still tried to help him out, but once she saw that he was committed to the madness, she just let it flow.

The beauty part of the set-up for this mess that Schilling created for himself is that the initial question from the Fox Bidniss Lady was a softball for Curt to defend an entirely different set of remarks by Donald Trump that revealed him to be a sexual predator.

I’m hoping it’s the death rattle of the patriarchy.

*Obviously, a patriarchy will still exist for generations to come, but I’m hoping what we are seeing is the last gasp of it being considered as the “correct” way to organize society.

As a man, I’d like a Quarter-Pounder meal with a Coke, please, and as a man, I’d also like the WiFi password.

I’m 31. I’ve done election cycles before. The shit that’s been popping up in this one seems unique. Am I taking crazy pills, or has this thing tumbled through the looking glass into badgerfuck blithering lunacy-world?

[Schilling] “The math is staggering when you get to the true #s”

Ha, I totally would have blurted out “HIS HAIR! I LOVE HIS HAIR!”