
The PS4 is shaped like a parallelogram. Not a rhombus. Just FYI.

It's not very accurate, but damn if I don't want to see more of her anyway.

Unrelatedly(?), I'm a little crazy for the baker girl in the video. She is irresistibly perky. I'd forgotten about her for awhile because I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube, but this was an excellent reminder that there's yet another girl out there I'll never meet.

Well, I understand your disagreement, but I just don't see eye to eye with it, because you're distilling the entire experience down too far, to its component parts.

As nanny to Luke Cage & Jessica Jones' daughter, I have wondered why she hasn't brought on other joke characters to help care for other superpowered babies. Like maybe give the Power Pack and Franklin Richards part time jobs. Heck, they could make a whole miniseries out of it.

Ellen Page.

Her weird eye make-up used to freak me out in the comics, when it was so pronounced that it looked like some kinda clown getup. Just... ugh.

You're quackers to use duck tape. Duct tape is where it's at.

Fuuka sucks

It's been brought up elsewhere and been pretty universally agreed with that barely literate garbage messages like what you describe don't warrant/deserve a reply, in no small part because they are hardly messages to begin with. But if someone is making an earnest attempt to say hello, yeah, you can totally be a crappy

I'd like to see more studies done on this, because by this logic I should be the sveltest guy around. I mean I'm no slouch, but I do not look like I've run ten marathons in the last year.

Well sure, the place is more crowded during the summer, but who goes to hang out with tourists? They're only around for a week at a time or so – which depending on your attitude might be the best trait in a friend, so who am I to judge?

Put it out of the room and close the door maybe? Unless...

I don't like the commentary either, but the actual game looks like a total kick.

I feel like the video is more charming than the actual game will be.

The "no self portrait" one is my absolute non-favorite. It's hilariously ridiculous. There is no time I can think of in the last five years where, when hanging out with friends, do I want to stop everything so we can take a picture of ourselves. "Hey guys, I know this night is super awesome, but can we like, take a

This is another one of those things where "location location location". I moved to Traverse City after graduating from MSU and the alumni association up here seems to be pretty quiet except for once a year. But that's to be expected I guess, when you have one semi-urban area surrounded by miles and miles of rural. The

Not at all, just making a conditional statement – if a simple message gets you that bent out of shape, it might be something to work on. No offense intended, I realize inflection is sometimes lost in print, but I think this whole exchange illustrates my point rather clearly.

I'm afraid I don't follow. Do you think I'm flaming you?

I don't know what dating site you're using, but if it's OkCupid you can get more advice and feedback in their forums (google Okcupid forums, as the site doesn't directly link there for some reason). There you can post a link to your profile or examples of messages you're sending and have them critiqued.