
I watched the original video and totally lost it at "Who died and made you Batman? ...was it your parents? If so, I'm very, very sorry."

Some people like 2D fighting games. There is room for every genre. Don't be stupid.

The comments on this story amaze the crap out of me. I sure hope none of these kids ever try to create something for themselves, because they will be in for a rude awakening.

Wow, it took him four months to do that? That's a lot of time and hard work. Maybe if he stretched it out to five months he'd have found time to run a vacuum now and then. Holy crap.

"Ugh, like, are you even LISTENING?"

A Mario & Luigi where they're old men has the potential to be hilarious. It wouldn't have to be the entire time.

Why is Frank West wrestling a manly lady in a rose garden?

If 'Ringu' had used the whole 'found footage' trope then I could at least understand the argument, but even then that doesn't really hold up. Honestly it just looked cheap. I realize Tokyo doesn't have the same kind of film industry we have in Hollywood, but they didn't even TRY.


Yeah. Though in a still like that, with the mouth all open and agape, he kinda looks like a really terrible and filthy blow up doll, and that takes a lot of the scary out of it.

Ugh. The corpses in The Ring, and the weird, animalistic way Samara moved give me chills to this day. I loved the movie, but I can not watch it just because I know those parts are coming.

***Japanophile spotted***

The Ring was an almost shot-for-shot remake of 'Ringu', except grislier (Sadako's victims were just frozen in fear, but they all just looked like someone told them to mime shouting, or maybe the Joker came to town – Samara left her victims all drowny/bloaty/wrinkly) and it made of film effects

This straight up does not work on my iPhone 5, there is nothing I can do to make it accept the update. iTunes continually complains that it can't read my device, and the process stops there. Oh well!

Auto-tune or not she is stunning.

I came here expecting Green Lantern jokes.

Most FFs were sleepers for me past VI, though I loved Tactics and XII had the same pedigree, (damaged by executive decision making and weird focus testing/expectations) but beyond that, I am not optimistic for the future of the franchise. XV looks terrible, to me, and too much of a departure – if I wanted an action

Good grief! Sally Brown is a terrible mother!

oh my god get out of here giant baby

oh my god this picture