
Likely it IS a cultural thing. You know, we have all these states that each have their own cultural identities in a lot of ways – and people identify with that. They very much consider themselves Californians or New Yorkers or Texans, alongside considering themselves Americans. It's not like, say, England, where

Metroid: Zero Mission is sorta that way, though I guess it is more of a "re-imagining".

Whoa there. As someone who called Owen out for the article, let me be the first to say that it's not BECAUSE he was exercising his right to express his opinion. This is a misunderstanding that seems to happen a lot, the 'protection' that freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc., is that people have a right to

Say what you will about Rick Santorum, but I always thought that was pretty shitty.

Okay, well clearly you just read 1984 or saw V for Vendetta for the first time or something. I mean as fun as all this willful misinterpretation is, I don't think repeating my point with different words is going to make it sink in any better.

Yeah, suck it up. I guess I could find an animated GIF involving sunglasses and a dog that says "DEAL WITH IT" but this is faster.

That one's easy – unity. The competitors are representing all the things you mentioned, the fans are representing their teams, there's about to be 90 minutes (or more) of presumably intense competition and butting of heads going on.

Clearly not, but I'm not arguing for coercion or any kind of mandatory-ness, only that I think it could fit into the bare minimum of patriotic consideration a person could have for their country without getting in a twist about how it cuts into their beer-drinking time. I mean, if you can't spare 96 seconds at a ball

Well sure, but like anything else it is dangerous to draw a stereotype from that and apply it with too broad a brush. Yes, "America Fuck Yeah" dudes are generally pretty boorish and have a patriotism that is as empty as their philosophy behind it, but it's not always accurate to say that a person who is somewhat

Sure, there is loads of ridiculousness afoot these days, and it's unfortunate. But there is a vast difference between worshipping the state and having a little pride in one's home country.

Honestly, this column just makes the author sound like a dick.

It's a neat style, but lord this dude can't draw ladies to save his life - they all look like ugly, effeminate men.

"We open ourselves up to accusations of hypocrisy by readers who see posts of images of visually-alluring male and female cosplayers and posts about gender discrimination as incompatible. For the record, I do not see that incompatibility. We can write about beauty without being gross. It's not difficult."

  • Survey Question One: If the Xbox One must use the Internet but can run online, then I will accept an offline gaming mode that lasts as little as __N/A___ hours/days/weeks/months. (Put N/A if you are sure you would simply never accept such a mode.)

I for one can't wait until all women everywhere learn to dress properly and cover their shame, like good virtuous puritans. Only then can we escape those shackles of sexism we hate so much.

I grew up with most of the games and things he's "reviewed", and believe me I do not have nostalgia for a lot of them. But just to go through the list quickly, I've been through:

Hey, to each their own. I just think his OMG SO ANGRY gimmick gets super old, super fast, and it diminishes whatever point he's trying to make, let alone whether it's a worthwhile one or not.

This is just what I came here to say. It's like you can't be strong/"badass" unless you look like you've got a good amount of testosterone going on, and been mashed in the face a few times. What a weird way to promote "feminism".

I lol'd.

This is the worst thing ever. I cannot stand the AVGN and Lloyd Kaufman is annoying.