
Not as good as his last effort, but I do appreciate all the hot Korean girls.

Burgertime is the pastime of the game-addicted proletariat!

For serious. That's straight up ridiculous. In the very best way.

Doesn't matter. Actress was hot.

This makes me think a little of Mouse Guard, which I think could be an amazing game.

This is my favorite commercial in a long time.

That's who I'm talking about too. Lenna and Faris' original sprites had pink hair and looked generally like that in their default job.

The original sprite was equally pink.

I loved the Wild ARMs series, though I think it probably peaked in the third installment. It was something that was a little unique and different, and it was a fun approach.

I'm always in support of trying out new IPs, and I bought the game too, but lord Billy Hatcher was not a good game. I think maybe I was not the target market for it, though.

Is... is she wearing astronaut pants?

Well. 9 seconds vs. the current 23 seconds, that's a notable improvement. I wonder how much (if any) of the system's internal memory this will take up.

I have a harder time following comments in this layout. It seems like some comments are related, but some people are replying to one person, some replies are aimed at another person, and eventually I have no idea if I'm still reading the same "discussion."

Dropped the ball? They frickin' spiked it.

Heh. Bat Guanomo.

I rather like what I've read of Atomic Robo, and I think this looks like crap. Robo deserves a better treatment than this.