
Another instance of the town serving as a metaphor for the show, I think.

I'll just take this opportunity to say that most handguns these days don't have safeties that you can turn on or off (including police guns). They're internal and/or built into the trigger. Basically, the gun extra-protected against firing when your finger isn't on the trigger, but you don't have to turn anything

Ah, misrepresenting someone's argument by oversimplifying it and cherry-picking certain parts. A classic tactic.

"“This is gonna be really hard”

The number isn't THAT small. Most studies report around 3-4% of rape claims are false. It's a very firm minority, but not super rare.

I don't think you understand. It's satire.

Uh, wrong. Remember when PCP beat the shit out of Cartman? That's lampooning the reverse bullying some SJWs resort to. Representing that group as a bunch of meathead, jock ("spot me, bro") frat bros is an extension of that.

Two weeks for an MRI? Sounds like that's still 6x faster than Canada.

Your insurance might not be as "high quality" as you seem to think. I was having problems with my knee (nothing debilitating, just kept me from working out), and the entire process from initial visit, to MRI, to follow-up visit, to surgery was about a month and a half. Meanwhile, a friend from Canada had to wait

Exactly. The writers seemed to think that the secondary characters they came up with were interesting enough to deserve their own plots and endings.  IMO, Dexter and Deb were the only two characters that deserved that status.  Everything else should have been calculated to serve the plot of those two characters, but

Harrison will not survive his angsty teenage years.