
I agree with you, and I shouldn't have said "Every time".

I wonder if that person taking the picture right as it broke got off the shot. Talk about timing.

I'll tell you how. Every time MS tries to enter a market (late, as usual) they make this really nice hardware (Zune HD) and then say the apps are coming. Then, they have shitty sales because everyone that matters already has the competitions' products, and they give up on it.

Sony makes the best radios. You CANNOT find them in stores any more, either. I have a Sony radio with a cassette recorder it it that looks kind of like half a boombox. I will never get rid of that thing.

I know I'm not "anybody", but I have to say I appreciate your comment. I'm really sick of everyone criticizing Giz for going "off subject". It's a blog for Christ's sake, casual fun reading.

I like how you think, heh.

Don't get them started. I think people get offended at geeky humor and take it personally or something. It's just a funny show, don't read too much into it.

I work at a bar and that's why we dry our glasses completely before putting them away. I do it at home for the same reason. If you don't know that bacteria etc. likes a dark, moist environment by now, then you weren't paying attention in middle school.

I had one of these! I loved that thing. I also had a Sony tv, cassette recorder, radio that was the size of a small boombox. Sony used to make the coolest shit in the late 70's early 80's.

Not that it's any of your business, but it's mostly because Curves said it. I think she's funny and smart. And yes, if a guy had said it it wouldn't have had the same impact.

Seriously, if Apple sued Samsung over their phones, they're going to poop their pants when they see this. It just goes to show that a handset looks like a handset. Not a lot you can do about it.

You're hilarious. If a guy would've said that I would have just skipped over it.

I knew I always liked you for a reason.

This is so cool. I don't have an iProduct, and I doubt I would pay that much for a phone case, but how much fun it would be to play with this.

These are all super cool, but the moon ones at the end blew me away. Okay, so I have a tablet fetish, so what?

It's a little different if your power is out or there's a natural disaster or something and being punished for actual crimes. I don't feel too sorry for some little creep that tried to defraud people out of money. If it were you on the receiving end I'm sure you'd be glad he was getting a little spanking.

At least someone on here has some common sense. He's being punished for a reason and lucky they didn't lock him up. Deal with it. A lot of people miss opportunities because they screwed up and got in trouble. That's the deterrent that's supposed to keep you out of trouble. That's my long winded way of saying, "nice

Someone needs a sense of humor for Christmas.

That last demo with the worm crawling made me feel like a cave man seeing fire for the first time when he picked it up. Amazing.