I’m sorry that happened to you. I appreciate your honesty. It’s hard to admit that when you wasted so much money on VR.
Well only 1% will play it anyway. So few own VR lol
Physical doesn’t make sense anymore when so many games are released broken and constantly need tender love and care with patches. What you own is a flawed version of the game on a disc. You’ll always need the digital part to put a band aid on it.
Physical doesn’t make sense anymore when so many games are released broken and constantly need tender love and care with patches. What you own is a flawed version of the game on a disc. You’ll always need the digital part to put a band aid on it.
The man is smiling at his work as if he’s proud of this AI garbage.
This is no joke. He’s really fucking up what he’s saying more often. He keeps referring to Biden as Obama and now this...
This is no joke. He’s really fucking up what he’s saying more often. He keeps referring to Biden as Obama and now this...
Troy Baker and here is the confirmation...
You’re missing out on a great game and not affecting Ubisoft in the least by doing this boycott. This game has nothing to do with Ubisoft other than they’re publishing it. There’s only three good Prince of Persia games. The first one, Sands of Time and now the Lost Crown and all three were made by creator, Jordan…
Maybe they’ll announce Diablo IV on Game Pass?
Speaking of worst
Speaking of survival horror
Japan is so basic with never changing traditions.
I know, that’s what I mean, hehe
The internet is like, Ariana Grande’s new music video was inspired by Paula Absul’s Cold Hearted music video, but Paul’s music video was inspired by this scene in the movie Flashdance. So you all pay your respects!
Should PINK sue Green Day?
This is the best game of the year so far.