
It’s not just certain females. It was an example. It can be guys too. If you exclusively only play Fortnite you’re not a real gamer to me. You’re using Fortnite to sell your brand. Fake gamers. 

Thanks everyone. For giving the exact responses I thought everyone here would.

I was gaming 20 years before you were born junior.

You think I generalized?

Now mind you, it’s not all of you. Some of you play all different kinds of games.”

I said this to avoid offended snowflakes like you, but here you are. I guess you’re in that group?

It is, that’s true. The focus though is less on the game and more about competition and showing off. It’s shallow to me, but to each his own.

Then I wasn’t talking about you.

I did say that not everyone is like that. I was talking about a particular group.

I dunno. It’s weird. It feels like they don’t appreciate video games as much as me. For them it’s more about the competition and showing off.

The real question is will this actor still be on it?

Should we split the meaning of what defines a gamer? This might piss some people off, but I don’t care. I don’t exactly see all the people who exclusively play online games as real gamers. Now mind you, it’s not all of you. Some of you play all different kinds of games. I’m talking about these people that are just

The televised Golden Globe Nominations were not well done. You can’t just announce nominations without pictures to go along with it. Most of us don’t know these names unless we can attach a face to it. In that respect the Oscars are better at announcing award nominations.

I didn’t even think about the woman aspect of it. It just happened to be the latest channel that what shutdown around here. I was gonna mention Gizmodo, but that was so long ago.

Now playing

I love all these classic Sega games! Especially Streets of Rage. Will it fair well in 3D like Fighting Force? or be a dud like The Bouncer?

We have to do the job for these writers. They’re lazy. That’s why sections of this networked site keep going out of business. Most recently, Jezebel. Thanks for that, btw.

Rockstar Games released the debut trailer for GTAV in Nov of 2011 and GTAV launched in September of 2013. Comparing that to GTA6 now, we can push it one month ahead to Dec 2023. Meaning GTA 6 will probably launch in Oct of 2025. FML! lol!

I know few people who saw the leak. I didn’t see any influencers talking about the leak. Twitter was mainly quiet about an official leak. Yeah, I think most people didn’t even know it had leaked, me included. So with so little time for the official release of the GTA6 trailer, Rockstar should have ignored the leak and

But it’s boring and old technology. You guys should have made a cutting edge new game engine, but instead you’re lazy and you’re cutting corners to make easy money. If you’re releasing Elder Scrolls 6 with the same Skyrim game engine then GTFO! Do you hear me, Phil and Bethesda? Learn from this moment!