
Jodie is not religious and is more caring and loving than Candace ever will be. Christians discriminant. They’re so hateful.

Now playing

Wipeout was a game changer! It’s the first PSone game I ever played. So picture this, I’ve been plating Genesis and SNES and then play Wipeout. It was a jarring experience in a good way and a monumental moment. It was turning the page on video games. I knew things would never be the same for the game industry. My 8

GOP: We hate everything the majority of the country wants.

I don’t understand how we lost? We did everything white Christians wanted and punished the rest of the majority of the country on their behalf. This makes no sense. Wait, is the conservative voter now a minority? 

This is called the conservatives/maga being so desperate to have a juicy scandal against Liberals. That they’ll believe or create a made up story so they can equal the playing field vs Trump’s millions of scandals and crimes. It’ll never work because no one is as awful as Trump.

If half the Supreme Court are bought paid by Conservatives then how can the American people trust any of of their rulings?

If half the Supreme Court are bought paid by Conservatives then how can the American people trust any of of their rulings?

He did it on purpose. He wanted a riot. Everyone is now talking about him. His views are up and it’s more money in his pocket.

I guess his big marketing move here paid off. Everyone is talking about him. His views are up and it’s more money in his pocket.

Take Two Interactive Software announced its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year and since 2013 Grand Theft Auto V Has Sold Over 185 Million copies. It’s by far the best selling game of all time and has made nearly 8 billion dollars. Making it the highest grossing entertainment product in the

This is why Rockstar games doesn’t care what we think. They don’t have to care. They know will buy it. Especially GTA6. That’s a guaranteed billions of dollars waiting for them.

Right Wing Grifters seeing this article and making homophobic thumbnails for their ranting youtube videos to get their money from racist homophobic alpha males.

Watching Trumpers and Cons defend these officers has been sickening. They watched another fellow officer chock a man for over 8 minutes while he called out for his mother. It was thought out. It was murder and they watched it happen and did nothing to stop it. It’s on video. There’s so much time to think as he chocks

Watching Trumpers and Cons defend these officers has been sickening. They watched another fellow officer chock a man for over 8 minutes while he called out for his mother. It was thought out. It was murder and they watched it happen and did nothing to stop it. It’s on video. There’s so much time to think as he chocks

I think after the billions of dollars Rockstar made from GTA5 they stopped giving a crap. They didn’t need to care what fans think anymore because they know that no matter what GTA6 will make them even more billions.