Or, to put it more accurately: Ricky Gervais, the British comedian who is absolutely nothing like Louis C.K.
None of that makes sense. Louis C.K.'s humor is self-directed. His comedy isn't mean-spirited, and he's the butt of his jokes. It's openly self-aware. Ricky Gervais tackles the same material, but directs it at others, not himself. David Brent is a blowhard moron, who, unlike Louie, doesn't recognize that he's a…
Don't get started on Komen. What a hack of an organization. How does an organization that includes "for the Cure" in its name get away with putting only 20% of its funds toward research.
Jezebel is that way ————————>
The NYPD then proceeded to tazer the drone and beat it saying "stop resisting arrest, stop resisting."
The NYPD then proceded to tazer the drone and beat it with clubs until it was dead, saying, "Grunk saw bird. Grunk say bird is good food. But, bird too boney. Not enough to go around."
You know, Native Americans filed a suit in federal court in 1992 to void the trademark of the Redskins' name because it was an offensive racial slur. Just because you weren't paying attention for the last 22 years doesn't make something not exist.
Looks like the problems kept multiplying for Tribbett, but that's really the Trouble with Tribbetts, isn't it?
Poor kid is so terrified he's been reduced to sitting on his own stool.
Good for you putting tht lady in her place! Btw, I wish MY boobs distracted people once in a while LOL
"Why this lady was not fit to drive, but had access to firearms is something that should be looked into."
It's not like the only two available outcomes were