
I don't understand why he doesn't just own it. He's the Racist-in-Chief, and his people love him for it! 

What do we want out of impeachment? The best case scenario is President Pence. The worst case, and most likely case, is the corrupt republican senate finding him not guilty, giving him a huge win, bolstering his likelihood of reelection and providing him some legal defense to criminal charges after he leaves office.

I think that everyone detained more than three days should be compensated $1000 per day in custody. For American citizens, it should be $5000 per day. For minors, the compensation should be multiplied by two. If five or under, the compensation should be multiplied by 5.

I’m a public servant, sit on a volunteer board in my community, am on the board of a local charity and politically active. The work I do has saved hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for my community and the state. I just think I would’ve enjoyed being a cop, and if I had done it in my twenties, I would have put in

NYC likes to think of itself as progressive, but they've got a crazy strong, racist and disrespectful police union that tends to bitch slap Diblasio on the regular. Daniel Pantoleo strangled an unarmed man on video and he not only hasn't been arrested or charged, but he remains on the NYPD, armed and making overtime

I think I have very good, loving parents, but I remain irritated that they steered me away from law enforcement and the military as careers. I think I would have been well suited for both professions, would have made similar or higher salaries (with overtime) and would now be retiring with a good pension and benefits,

“How the hell is that trust ever going to come back?”

I’ve been replacing my switches with Lutron Caseta and mostly love them. The major issue I’ve run into is that they require constant electricity to keep them connected to the hub, which is totally understandable. The problem is that they run that tiny current through the bulbs, rather than having an isolated circuit

I’ve been replacing my switches with Lutron Caseta and mostly love them. The major issue I’ve run into is that they

“The bigger question is why Cuomo wasted seven minutes of airtime with a failed Kansas gubernatorial candidate”

How is an attorney able to assert that he has "an exemplary 10-year history of diligent sex offender registration and reporting" when he has not reported in NY one single time, after contesting that requirement in court and a judge ruling that he must report every 90 days? It's not like it was an oversight - he and

* Retire after 20 years of service and start a second career in his mid forties, while receiving that pension. 

Unless there's a dumb as a stump wrasslin' coach runnin' on the republican line. They love them some wrasslin' coaches and the wrasslin' coaches know best how to groom our young boys, as well as make laws. 

Just because he's hated by asshole billionaires doesn't mean that he shouldn't be hated by us normal folk. 

And, did the advertisers who left return to his show? I’m guessing that corporate advertisers make a big show of pulling their ads to please the decent people of this Country, but then quietly return later to continue appealing to the dumb, racist clientele that are all found in one place and are easy pickin’.

Way to harsh my buzz... I was going to chime in to say, just sit back and laugh your ass off at the most ridiculous reality TV show ever created!... But then you mentioned the children in cages.

‘Cause, second amendment... Stand your ground... Guns got rights too... Blah blah blah... Murrica!

Foreign operatives could take out Trump and Pence simultaneously. There's no need for a full scale invasion. 

The best way for Bernie Sanders to go is to a farm upstate, where he can live out his dementia years in peace and quiet. 

“I’d be very excited about celebrating his first (documented) stroke with a parade of tanks in a major city.”

Fyre! Fyre! Hehe...