
Each time I read “MTHFR,” I hear, “MoTHerFuckeR”

“parts of which will undoubtedly become part of his 2020 stump speech”

“his father, Greg Anglin, testified briefly”

If she wants to atone for her sins, how about she goes to Staten Island and prosecute Daniel Pantoleo? If she were to convict him, then I say she could sell books again. 

Wright is wrong.

We could retake the Senate with the presidency, but if we don't, then we might need to wait two years before any progress. 

President Biden would not. President Warren would. 

Breakin' all the norms, baby!!! 

Just one more thing to fix once adults regain control: give the Hatch Act teeth

Yet again, the best candidate. 

I don't know enough about him, but I like the idea of Warren/Buttigieg - 2020 Vision for America's Future! 

I mostly agree with you, except that I don't think Biden or Sanders will be the nominee in the end. I think it'll be Warren. I hope it's Warren. I think Joe and Bernie's time has come and gone. I think all the elderly in government are destined to be remembered by their last days in Congress, clinging to their power

More importantly, what the hell does "whomst" mean? 

You really think that someone trying to defend herself against the Birther in Chief is going to lose because people side with him on this issue? You really think that people are going to overlook all her policy proposals because she attempted to defend herself against racist attacks that were belittling not only to

When I was in my teens, I hiked the White Mountains over multiple days each summer in old-school Tevas... I also worked the docks all summer in Tevas. I had a cobbler put white soles on them because the marina manager would yell at me for jumping onto white boats in black-soled shoes! I’m inspired to get some new

When I was in my teens, I hiked the White Mountains over multiple days each summer in old-school Tevas... I also

The Dems will work with him on a stimulus "for the good of the country," even if it would be to the detriment of the country over the long term. 

“Astrophysicist Leon Golub told the Times that the likelihood of the sightings being aliens ‘is so unlikely that it competes with many other low-probability but more mundane explanations.’

Were you alive during the Obama presidency?!?!!! All the Republicans let their racist flags fly! I do believe that most the judges in Utah are Republicans and I’m certain that at least some of them posted and said much worse than what was cited in this article.

He looks just like his father! 

“Calley had given him a $10,000 loan that was later forgiven.”