
I wasn't even aware that AOC had a position on the issue until after Amazon pulled out. It was Sen. Mike Gianaris and Councilman Jimmy Van Bremer who were the main politicians responsible for chasing out Amazon. 

Also, being a vile racist should be grounds for expulsion from pretty much every sphere of society, including your job and family.”

Um, morally questionable governor vs. Republican governor? I think it's a no-brainer... Northam stays. 

But ya have Lockn! 

If Coats is going to be fired, why doesn't he hold a lengthy press conference to set the record straight on every statement Trump has publicly made that is contrary to intelligence? 

To be honest, he is on a reality TV show and is not really the president. 


My Nanny sister in Seattle has a nicer house than I do. She had to search for a while, but that's what happens in a hot housing market. 

My sister is a nanny in Seattle and she has been flabbergasted by the opposition to HQ2, as well as the people of Seattle that complain about Amazon’s presence. She says that she makes a lot more money due to the presence of Amazon and Microsoft. She belongs to a lot of nanny networks and said that high paid nannies

I wouldn't want to turn my phone over to police under any circumstances. 

Building HQ2 in LIC would have created demand for more nannies, tailors, house cleaners, daycares, cafes, restaurants... It would be a huge influx of wealth that would be felt by the entire community. 

I am reading the room and so saddened that I thought my fellow progressives were more intelligent than the other side. It seems we're just a different kind of stupid. 

Foxconn was a Trump scam to bring in a foreign company. This was America's biggest company opening a legit second HQ because of their growth. They were absolutely going to need a lot of well paid employees, as well as all the folks to support the Amazon employees - restaurants, coffee shops, dry cleaners, nannies... 

“So the people who are out of a job or underemployed may still be out of a job or underemployed if Amazon HQ2 were to open here.”

I think most people think that HQ2 was intended to be a warehouse. Seeing the responses to Amazon pulling out makes me weep for my liberal brethren. Maybe the Republicans have been right all along, that Democrats are opposed to jobs and money. I kinda feel like Adora when she found out that The Horde is actually evil.

I wish I had a million stars for this particular comment.

And, take a look at Clarksburg, WV, where Sen. Byrd arranged for the FBI to build its digital fingerprint server facility in the late nineties. I'm pretty certain that he didn't expect the coal miners of WV to become server engineers or fingerprint examiners, but he recognized the prosperity it would bring to the

I’m rubber and you're glue... 

I hope I'm never the victim of a crime, because I sure as hell would not want to turn my phone over to the cops - especially not the notoriously corrupt and inept Chicago PD! (I also hope I'm never a victim of a crime because I'd prefer not to be a victim of a crime.) 

I love the description of Chucky as "morally questionable." lmao