Maurício Munky

Have you ever pirated a video game? Do you still pirate video games? Do you play emulated games? Do you make video

On PC, The Witcher 3 now has more graphics than ever, as CD Projekt RED has just dropped a second patch which increases the quality of textures on high and ultra settings. Also, you can rebind keys now!

Can people just calm down and play an amazing game. I’m sure it’s more fun to actually play the game then count every single polygon on the digital tree... seriously it’s getting tiring how common these are becoming now.

The first time I heard of Scott Pilgrim was the movie in 2010. I was 22 and I immediately loved it. I immediately bought the books and loved them too. I’ve been buying the color books (Evil Editions) as they’ve been released and it’s been really good to re-read them and all that. But I’m also looking forward to

Always thought it was so cool how he went out of his way for what seems like a pretty obscure reference. I’ve always been a TG-16 junkie, but I wonder how many people out there got the reference.

If by 3, they mean 6 then no this is accurate.

The Amiibo Problem

I do not think it is possible to like the entirety of a corporation. Take Nintendo, for example. I like the part of