Maurício Munky

I re-read Corpse Run’s comic today three times expecting the joke to be less shitty and gross (not gross like “ew they’re talking like sex stuff” gross. Gross like “Eww, I didn’t know the author was this gross” gross) than it was. It took that many times to process how bad it is.

Your glass is half empty, Brian!

This easter egg from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided paints a grim future for Sonic the Hedgehog. Deux Ex and Knuckles will be coming to a store near you in 2029.

Now playing

Overwatch’s Reaper sure uses up a lot of guns. This SFM short by ArcadeCloud explores where his guns might come from and why he doesn’t just, you know, keep them. It made me laugh.

ahh schadenfreude.

Felt the emotions coming up. Looks damn near spot on perfect for a continuation of the Genesis games. Can’t wait to hear the soundtrack.

I hadn’t realized this, but apparently No Man’s Sky fans are... uh... a passionate bunch. For the past two days their subreddit has been going absolutely insane, speculating constantly and spewing all sorts of bile toward me/Kotaku for various reasons as they continued digging up reasons to say I was wrong about the