
I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

pinche guera

I actually grinned when I heard the last Divergent movie was going straight to DVD.

She is remarkably obnoxious, and most of what she’s doing here is obnoxious. The one thing I won’t fault her for though is sticking up for her friend whose image was misrepresented.

Whenever I’m not sure about my opinion on something I Google to see what Shailene Woodley’s stance on it is. After finding out, I take the opposite side and am comfortable in assuming I am right. Never fails me.

Who says cargo pants should stop at 15? I personally don’t give a flying fuck whether some dude or dudette somewhere doesn’t like what I wear, or makes fun of me. You know how much that affects me? - Zilch, zero, nada. The only time something like this would matter is if I was trying to get in someone’s pants and they

Back pockets are fucking useless. Sitting on stuff you’re carrying around is awful. Hence, cargo shorts.

What about those of us that aren’t LGBTQ or Euro?

Cargo Shorts or GTFO. I'm too old to worry about impressing anyone.

A handy user’s guide for those who don’t regularly watch RHOC:

You didn’t even talk about Kelly and her “Who” “Who” owl calls. I thought Shannon’s husband crossed the line when he attacked Vicki, who I can’t stand, but then Kelly took it to a random new level. Like, Bitch, WGaF if your ugly ass thinks anyone looks like an average blond, and if she weren’t so old (she’s my age but

I don’t want to know. I feel really uncomfortable using a previously famous person who has had problems with drugs and mental illness for cheap gossipy entertainment. I feel like we should just hope for the best, let the woman live her life, and not stare at her unless she does actual work that gets her back on the

yeah i just had to reread it, i was tired apparently

That's one of my favorite SNL sketches. Maya Rudolph is so brilliant.

No, he said “man with hole in pocket feels cocky all day”

my favorite is: