
I recently read (maybe on this same site) some of the consequences of hormone therapy for transgender males. One of the patients spoke about how testosterone was making him super horny, making him check out people and just inundated with thoughts of sex all day!! Poor men.

That's exactly what it says.

I hate when people say someone looks like a penis just because they're bald or thumby looking. Yet, in this picture, this man looks like a penis.

You know what I'm replying. Fuck Eminem.

Its not a dealbreaker per se, since I have awful taste in music. But I don't dig that he's portrayed as this tortured genius or as "the best rapper of all time" (on 9gag). He has freakin mommy issues and was poor. Boo-fucking-hoo he's not exactly Oliver Twist. Fuck Eminem.

Eminem is a homophobe and an asshole. He has mysogynistic lyrics. People love him, defend him to death, but he got famous calling Xtina and Britney sluts and making gagging noises at gay marriage. Fuck Eminem.

Then its not sarcasm... your comment is pointing out the hipocrisy directly.

I'm sorry, but, try as I may, I don't detrct the sarcasm. I don't see how you are playing it.

Sounds stupid.

Takes party planning wayyy to seriously to be cool. I know drinking is bad and all, but really, frat parties are for getting drunk. You suck frat dude!


She looks like Kelly Kapowski.

You do you lady.

Its the best way to fight terrorism.

LOLLLLL that's white and gold for you? Ya kray

He peobably likes to take a dump on her chest and then fuck her feet only. I know a lot of these "conservatives".

Coke Zero is the best.

Don't defend anyone here.. it'll just get you banned.. or worse!

One of the best things I've ever seen.

Can you advise as to where I might find this?