
Who are you, Margot Tenenbaum?

Wouldn't the grandfather be hurt he didn't get to see his daughter? I think that was pretty mean actually. Though I don't know for how long the trip had been planned, or if it was a one-in-a-lifetime thing.

Wayne Goss. I love him.

Thats some solid math right there.

You are awesome

I'm sorry about your baby girl. I wish you a peaceful life from now on.

Im sorry for little girl you and your mom sucks.

Don't ask me the logistics of it!

Or leaving three drops of pee and a couple of pubic hairs on the toilet acter they poop.

How do you get to realize you grew out of an allergy?

I wore the once and for some reason they killed my back!! I felt like a scrunched up ball itw as so uncomfortable

No hate, she's a beautiful woman but.. it looks like a Christian dance costume.

That happened to me too!!! Like, 3 times. Super painful.

A 6 year old's poo is basically the same as a grown person's dump. But yeah, I get you.

I felt like he was trying to be satirical, making fun of people who change the names or give bad clues by pretending he was going to rhyme it, but then just giving us the name. I laughed.

What an amazing tribute.

I don't think Americans actually know what healthcare costs, either. The prices are so over-inflated.

Ok. I googled this guy's name and some shit about Peter Andrew Nolan the Jewish Pedophile came up? What? Does anyone know what the fuck I just read?

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Its not your fault. Your mother screwed up. I send you a big hug.

Once, I was in a coastal town in my Central American country. I asked a friend to take me to to the best restaurant. He took me to this really nice, cozy, wonderful place famous for its conch soup. So that's what we ordered. It smelled and looked awesome. It tasted great also, until I actually tried the conch,