I would literally wear these everywhere. #noshame
I would literally wear these everywhere. #noshame
they’re against women having sex
I say this a lot. If the right REALLY hates abortion so much, the SINGLE most effective way to absolutely CRUSH the unwanted pregnancy/abortion rate would be comprehensive sex education in our schools from grade school up, and easy, affordable contraceptives for everyone.
Donate to Planned Parenthood
The vicious cycle of ignorance makes the world go round... It’s true that everyone is different, and I agree that The average teenager is totally probably not emotionally or psychologically mature enough for sex, but it’s natural, normal, & nothing to be ashamed of. (I’m 29, which earns me the platinum V card.. On the…
Don’t worry. Everybody will assume she’s a typical rude-ass American, anyway. That is our gift to you, our Northern Brothers.
First, as a Canadian, I want to apologize on my country’s behalf for the terrible things she said. I am very, very sorry.
He clearly thinks that kids just shouldn’t have sex. I agree (I cashed in my v card at 22) but I’m also fucking realistic. Kids want to have sex and they have sex and they don’t understand the consequences of having sex and it’s not their fault and we need to teach them how to have sex safely. Also- waiting was…
Bobby (or Piyush, as his mother named him,) needs some serious couch time with Dr. Phil or someone in the psychiatric field. This man has some serious self hatred issues. He doesn’t govern in what he believes is the best interest of his constituents. He governs the way he thinks the ideal white American male would. No…
hes a grown-ass man who chooses to go by “bobby”. never trust a grown-ass man named “bobby”.
NEXT UP: Jindal cuts police force in order to reduce crime.
Just make the appropriate adjustments when donating today and in the future :)
Replying to myself as I’m getting static from the greys and I’m scared of letting a troll into the dungeon by replying to one of them (sorry guys, erring on the side of caution). I did not know he was a Rhodes scholar, went to fancy schools, got degrees and such. Still, doesn’t excuse his pandering. If he’s trying to…
And the children that result from women having sex are “consequences,” not autonomous human beings who deserve to be welcomed to this world by someone who is prepared to welcome them.
I am donating to Planned Parenthood today, in honor of this wonderful man.
No, Bobby, it’s because you have your public high schools teaching abstinence only sex ed that the kids in your state are lousy with the clap and babies. If you never teach a kid how to put on a condom he most likely will never put one on. If you pay religious run programs to teach lies and spread misinformation about…
A bunch of parents are keeping their kids at home because the sex ed curriculum just got updated for the first time since 1998. Don’t worry guys, we got them crazies up here in Canada too.
He’s a biologist! Did he just forget everything he learned about biology, or does he really believe his constituents are idiots and he hhas to pander to them?
It comes after Jindal tried to defund Planned Parenthood in a way that the Department of Justice told him in August is illegal.