
All of that is true, and we’ve never had a pandemic of this magnitude in the video game era. But, consoles have always been sold for another 2-3 years after their successor at discounted prices. It’s quite possible One X was not and is not turning a profit on the actual hardware. Given MS’s silence on units sold, I

Yes it is, they not only added a bunch of similar named xboxes, but in my opinion “Xbox One X” and “Xbox One Series X” manages to be worse than “Wii” and “WiiU”.

If the X sold well, they’d still be making it. If Xbox One sold well as a whole, Microsoft would brag about their sales numbers or at least the number of units shipped.

I can sorta get it. From an artistic standpoint those masks are more like monster masks than tiki or tribal masks. They’re like cyclopses (what is the plural of cyclops anyway?) with sharp teeth. It’s kinda fun. Red black and white are all pretty nice looking in the same color palette too. The problem is more with the

It’s IMO kinda sad how devs have to change their games because some people feel offended by certain things.

That Orwell fella might have been onto something. He was just a few decades too early. 

So what’s next? I’m white and I think it’s racist that there are white characters in video games. Should I proceed to tell this to every developer. Nah, that would be silly.

So what’s next? I’m white and I think it’s racist that there are white characters in video games. Should I proceed to tell this to every developer. Nah, that would be silly.

Its interesting how everyone hates when someone is changing to the better, its almost like you want him to continue with his shit? :D

lmao’d at angsty Teenage Game:Furry Edition. Seriously who come up with these lame ideas?!

True, but I think we can be reverent and still look forward to nice things. Like, I certainly have all the stuff that’s been going on in my mind but at the same time, it would have been nice to see this. But I understand where they’re coming from with postponing it.

The result is a marketplace where you can no longer buy a Switch or a Switch Lite at their normal price points.”

This is just WRONG. You can find msrp Switch Lites all over the place...such as the aformentioned Best Buy, in multiple colors lol.

Which...of course if people were consistent with their outrage they would be mad that Steam had exclusive games, but they’re only mad Epic has exclusive games because it’s not reaaaly about exclusivity, it’s about something just not being on Steam.

Paying a dev not to release their game on a platform isn’t the same as a dev choosing a platform to release on. And there’s always people asking for games to be released on other platforms be it GoG, Steam, Switch, etc.

Steam isn’t the only place to purchase a game. It’s the only place to download the game; you can purchase most games lots of places.

Steam being the only place to purchase something isn’t the same as Steam exclusivity. Steam didn’t pay Firaxis to only put their games on their platform.

The degree to which most people are ignorant about the differences in the various leftist ideologies is embarrassing.

I can be pro-Socialism, but I can be anti-Communist as well. Try it, I’m sure your colleagues won’t shame you too much.

If it picks games based on what it knows you like and comparing to what people with similar gaming habits have played, why would it recommend games that almost nobody has played? How would it reliably be able to say that you might like game X if the data they have shows nobody like you has bothered to play it?