
I actually saw the news story on this place, and from the outrage I was thinking they had a billboard saying ADULT DIAPERS AND NURSERY on I-355. But on the outside it looks about as kinky as an Avon distribution center. There's not even a sign for the business! It's like the moral scolds of the community are upset

I thought he was your crazy friend who worked in Public Relations, not that he was Puerto Rican.

Nepal seems to be cool with everyone, and it's right next to Tibet, so….

So, their love is a crime and a disease. And to illustrate this we're going to use a heterosexual white couple. Neat.

That makes me sad. I had thought his physique was solely due to the magical powers of an all-cod diet.

Do y'all live in a medical marijuana state? Near a medical marijuana state? I've heard that different strains of cannabis can have different psychological effects, and I think that in some medical marijuana states there are laws regulating what landlords/employers/other folks can and can't do to people who use

I think a lot of it depends on what medications your therapist is thinking of versus what meds your family and friends have had trouble with (as well as when they took them, both in terms of calendar year and age).

Empire only intensified his deep sympathy for the gay struggle, y'all.

Do you want to find a legal aid clinic to look into appealing the judge's order on the grounds of abuse of discretion?

I'm trying to figure out how the woman in SUB's letter identified him, as it doesn't sound like they're friends/once had sex/former teammates on the swim team. Tattoos? Did BF divulge enough personal info on his Tumblr to out them?

*OCD solidarity fist bump*

ItsJustSomeRandomGuy's Marvel/DC series, for me.

For some reason Fellowes wants us to know that Bertie's titled cousin is "artsy". Maybe he'll need a new butler or valet one of these days?

Of course there are conspiracies at church picnics. Helen Randolph's plotting the overthrow of Altar Guild president Edna Anderson, for starters.

TBH, I thought that was a deliberate red herring. Is it going to pay off in a future episode?

I was looking at the Critics Choice Awards' nominee lists today, and their nominations for film actors/actresses were also really, really white. But the nominations for television actors/actresses were pretty inclusive. So okay, this might not be the "right" year to criticize the Oscars for having twenty white acting

You know Season 5 will end with Sherlock getting an Irish setter puppy.

I'd argue it's also a shoutout to the Laurie R. King pastiche, in which Holmes finally confesses his love to his partner. (Okay, in this one it's a woman. King's Watson is on the jammy side.)

I was rather surprised Sally Donovan didn't show up in Sherlock's "wait, this is why I should not piss women off" scene. (Perhaps because much of the fandom perceives her as completely unsympathetic?) Hopefully this gives us a lovely, awkwardness-filled apologizing-without-directly-apologizing scene in Season 4.

Like everyone else in this thread, not going to argue about the "leftists" who defend or excuse crimes against humanity in the name of solidarity with oppressed peoples.