
“We have a vision to be the World’s Greatest Games Company,” he wrote.

I believe they call it “failing up.” Really easy if you’ve got the right MBA from the right school and are friends with the right people. Even though they screwed the pooch, they’re still getting their ridiculous bonuses. And if they really screw up, they have their golden parachute to fly them off to another company

While marketing is often overrated, how about they can the execs that thought launching Anthem now instead of when it’s ready?

I will say that I don’t entirely understand how this is an issue every time a game comes out; I understand that each game’s endgame grind feels a little different, but how hard is it to make drops not common but not incredibly rare? Almost every time one of these devs “rebalances” the drop rate, it’s wayyyy too far in

I got to play a week early with EA Access and by the time I hit the list of requirements for the 4 tombs I was done. Which is saying something. I played Destiny 1 and The Division through to original max levels at launch and never felt like I was wasting my time the way I feel playing Anthem. Video games are

I think the issue is that gamers treat playing an un-fun game like working for an oppressive employer. It’s like they don’t know they don’t have to play.

Maybe there’s nothing wrong with today’s end-game content. I mean this has become a ubiquitous article with loot-based shootersMaybe it’s something wrong with all of us. Let’s take some time to at least consider it.

Yeah, technical issues aside, I wonder what exec at EA thought the best idea for a BioWare game was to give you a demo where you are dropped in mid story with no background info or tutorial. It’s clear they wanted to show off the “Destiny’ness” of the game and not the story telling elements.

Yeah but I hoped Anthem would be a hit, if only for the fact that it may mean EA would finally let them make another KOTOR game.  

I’m rooting for Bioware and I was really interested in Anthem, but holy shit that beta was so terrible at everything.

Watching Bioware quietly slip into mediocrity has been a painful experience.  

“gAmEs ShOuLd Be TaKeN sErIoUsLy As ArT!”

*someone makes a game that isn’t what this jabroni wants to play*


Right. Can it even be called a game if you never murder somebody in cold blood? 

Don’t forget the Honda Element!

It’s the natural successor to the Cube and that boxy Scion that was hilariously positioned to the youths and mostly found a market of retirees.

No one is burning more coal to fuel plants.

It might, though, since burning coal to produce electricity may not be a one to one replacement for the CO2 emitted by cars. Does anyone have evidence on this?

How to get sober in three easy steps:

I don’t want a lightsaber, but I want them available for the Darwin Awards.

So the JOB was 50% of the value, but the part was not. Big difference, and not at all unusual. Eight screws, watching a video, and a multimeter is all that separated you from DIY. For those who don’t want to DIY, it’s still cheaper than buying a new unit. Appliance anxiety is rampant in this thread.