
“I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel”

So he will die before finishing it. thanks also for writing the history of Westeros and all the other money projects that I could not care

For sure! Given the endpoint of her arc, I think they could have cut out a lot of the “trying to rule in Meereen” stuff in favor of the Young Griff plot. I think the Meereen stuff will feed into the Young Griff plot in the books, but of the two, it seems like the more interesting and important one for the books ending

She was never at the Red Wedding, because his wife in the books is a different character. They also never had a child. 

Where did I question his humanity? If anything, I’m jealous. It’s completely human of him to take the low road, never finish the books, milk his popularity good and dry for millions upon millions in cold, hard cash by putting out endless streams of fast-selling, but low-effort and low-quality bullshit related to

The fAegon/Young Griff story actually could have done a lot to show why Daenerys was so threatened by Jon’s lineage and people using rival claimants to plot behind her back.  I totally get why the showrunners got rid of the story based on how incomplete it is at the moment but it could have made Daenerys’ story more

Meow... Wolf?

At the end of ADWD, Davos is going to the island of Skagos, where Rickon Stark is supposedly hiding. Skagos is kind of a legendary island in the books where the people are cannibals and they ride unicorns. I don’t think they’re going to be actual unicorns, but I’m very interested to see what the truth behind the tale

There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced.

The “real” ending will be what I’ve said it will be all along.

Same. He may very well get to many of the same plot points, but I suspect/hope he’ll get there more organically (given that unlike D&D, he’s clearly not in a rush, for better or for worse).

He will have a hard time arguing that point from the grave.  I would be surprised if the publishers did not require a guarantee that they would be finished by someone else if he does not complete them before they agreed to let him work on other related projects.

Jeyne Poole, Lady Stoneheart, Penny and her pig, Skahaz Shavepate, Arianne Martell, Darkstar, Victarion Greyjoy, Ser Garlan the Gallant, Aegon VI, and a myriad of other characters both great and small that viewers of the show never had the chance to meet. And yes, there will be unicorns… of a sort…

I’m starting to wonder if GRRM is trying to pull a Robert Jordan - write so slowly that you die before you finish, but designate another writer to finish the series for you.

After season 6 i was fine whatever, he won’t finish, but we’ll have the show. The last two season, though? Man, I really hope he finishes. I want to read the first 5 again, but I don’t think ill do that until there’s a publication date for Winds of Winter.

I was kind of pissed at Bronn being brought back essentially for comic relief, and I’ve always liked Bronn. But he’s being given all this power in spite of the fact that he’s always been and will always be massively self-interested (he’s open about it!) and will probably rob everyone blind and make things materially

Why not?” should have been the title of this episode. The paint by numbers approach is fine when it makes the most sense. The “let’s subvert expectations by being illogical” route is sometimes worse than being predictable.

“(Benioff and Weiss) decided to phone it in so that they could move on to other projects”

BTW I hated Arya’s ending, it was like Poochie’s exit in the Simpsons. She wants freedom and adventure, ok fine but becoming an explorer wtf. Why not just have her go North with Jon beyond the wall and join the Free Folk? The true North is perfect for Arya, but nope.

I’d have loved for someone on the Jez staff that actually read the books to have written these reviews

In a way, she has the clearest path to victory insofar as she does not have the baggage of conflict weighing her down. Every other character has some moral or ethical handicap that hinders them from proceeding ruthlessly toward their goal. Dany, for instance, can’t simply lay waste to King’s Landing (though, fingers