
My wife and I walk every night and we get the occasional Harley drive by.  I can’t wait for that to be a thing of the past.  

Celestiq. If swelling lasts for more than four hours, consult a physician.

Call me crazy, but the design of 1990 300ZX still looks fresh (it has aged well to my old eyes). As for waiting for you lease to be up, my gut tells me you’ll be might need to extend it a few months....

I’m starting to realize that I am rapidly moving into the middle-age bracket because I’m noticing things I loved growing up are now showing up in ads to sell me crap. Medication commercials now feature grunge rock in the background and auto manufacturers are now considering using 90's design as ‘retro’ call back

This is exactly what they should do - a retro styled version that’s evocative of the 300ZX, because it would appeal to all those kids who lusted over them (and are now old enough with the discretionary income to buy them). I’d sure as heck take a nice hard look, myself (at least as soon as I’m back in the market,

Fastforward three years into the future.

If this is true (IF), I would be very happy with a Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo.

It will have to be amazing, considering it will need to be able to sell 15 years after it’s debut.

Nah, one can be made functional. The other should be put down permanently.

This car is “all there” in the same way our president’s mental capacity is “all there.” 

  1. Buy Subaru with no money down, 72-month, $1000/month loan

Mike would request only stallions so he will be, I mean won't be, tempted.

You are an idiot trying to defend this. You state that there are vehicles on the island (this is true), but then try to twist it as “oh, it’s just a normal thing”, which it is not.

They only use motorized vehicles when absolutely necessary, and during season only for an emergency. Off-season, yes the vehicle count goes

Oh, don’t let facts interfere... they are letting their political fake news steam vent...

The Secret Service doesn’t care about your stupid local laws.

Eh. It’s almost certainly the case of a tin frigging ear, but I guess at least he showed up in American cars.
It always amazes me to walk by the WH and see how many foreign-built cars the Republicans drive. For people who hate unions and socialists, they sure like to drive cars built by union and socialist labor.

They banned motorized vehicles but I guess they still allow douche canoes. 

Needs more stars.  Mother would approve.

A horse drawn carriage? But what if there were mares pulling it?