Maudite Balvenie

Kara and Mon El's relationship depends on:
Alex telling her she has feelings for Mon El
Alex telling her to forgive him
Winn telling her to forgive him
Winn telling him to respect her
Mon El asking her to forgive him
Kara lacking any agency whatsoever.
Screw the writers of this sh**show.

I rather have Steven Ogg's Trevor be the leader of the Saviors instead of Negan.

No Supergirl opened itself up to it when they decided everyone needed to be paired up and I rather see Kara/Lena than the bickering Kara/Mon El relationship.

I think it's the speed TBH. The amount of shoving Mon El in every scene barring last night's episode is ludicrous. Olicity was given more time to simmer before Arrow went off the rails in Season 3.

Except Mon El hasn't been growing. He's making the same mistakes with Kara the last few eps.

Mon El was written better in the first half but for me has been dragging the show down in the 2nd half. It's getting into Olicitiy territory with Mon El and Kara's relationship.

I think Mon El and Kara has chemistry but they ruin it with the way their relationship is being handled. The writing for them is just abysmal.

I'm also side eyeing Jadis and her compatriots reverting to cosplaying only a couple of years after the outbreak.

Anything celebrity related can become rumors, who knows and cares. It only becomes a problem if it is interfering with the show.

He's not a flawed character. He's the prototypical frat boy with a heart of gold.

Legion is flipping phenomenal. I would actually like a character like that for Kara than the frat boy trope. Someone a bit more damaged in a non cookie cutter way.

No I think Kara's just awkward regarding that. It's her personality.

Dexter was a genius the first couple of seasons, it got bad later.

I like him but the CW can not write main romantic relationships to save their lives. Ollie/Laurel, Ollie/Felicity, shoot me. It took 3 years for Barry and Iris to be tolerable.

AoS is Shakespeare compared to this.

No no no, you're just taking away time from Mon-el's man pain.

Ehhh I take any of those rumors with a grain of salt.

It's how the CW writes every lead relationship. I wish they would take a look at AoS and hold back some of the drama.

Karamel is quickly ep becoming Olicity for me. Pure CW garbage.

Like I said somewhere else, it's a problem when I rather have the writers of Frozen than whoever is responsible for the diminishing sisterly moments between Kara and Alex.