Maudite Balvenie

Plus this lays path for a the Tories to gt humiliated during the Brexit talks. EU wants a hard Brexit and will make an example out of the Tories.

Rip right? But surprisingly this season it's the best show out of all of them IMO.

Hahaha, at least Winn's romance didn't take over the entire season.

Or she is lusting over Clark because she knows he's Superman.

I hate that this show feels like it needs to pair everyone up.

No no no, no more couples. This was reinforced when Kara was going through all the couples on this show. They need to pull back from all the romance and get back to basics.

Pretty good episode but again I hate them nerfing Jonn's powers. Happy to see Maggie working with Kara and friction it caused. Loved the buildup between Lena and Rhea.

What's funny iirc, is that Kirkman started writing the comics for tv around Season 5 and the Governor is a much more subtle bad guy compared to Negan.

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It and the Stand IMO. Cujo, Pet Semetary etc etc are well regarded books but those 2 were cultural touchstones.

He's good when he's not being used as a plot point or love interest.

Rip sort of killed the first season. Im a couple of eps behind but at this point I rather have Sara lead.

My favorite DC show at the moment.

CW DC can not write the lead characters romance. No matter what show it is. Flash, Arrow, SG. (As you said LoT being a true ensemble show)

Flash used to be my favorite, they should have really thought out how it would look for Barry to continue f**king things up.

Nah Sepinwall and some other reviewers have brought up how terrible Mon El is.

They ruined Laurel so much they killed and replaced her.

I wonder when we might get Brainiac 5.

It gave us Olicity.

They need to reduce 1-2 characters.