Maudite Balvenie

Different Brainiac, her main love interest in the comics is Brainiac 5 iirc.

Think they will bring in Brainiac next season?

They killed Laurel and brought in her "mother" to replace her.

Sees how they ruined Laurel, Felicity, Barry etc etc etc

No felt that Mon el was chewing up the scenes due to only being a love interest the last couple of episodes. Also hate that Kara has a partner. Superman wouldn't have a partner. That sh*t needs to end now.

This is the CW where it will be drawn out to the season finale.

Yeah was talking more about the portrayal of Tess on Smallville.

Don't worry that's coming down the road.

This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Devil

Would love for Lena becoming an undercover op for Amanda Waller.

TBH it seems like that's the CW approaches all of their lead characters relationships.

Really good episode but James is getting on my nerves. Also am really getting bored with the whole will they or won't they with Mon el and Kara. At this point I rather see Kara with the Young Pope, it sure as hell would be a lot more interesting.

The humans in Westworld are dumb as a box of rocks.

He's up her butt in every effing fight scene.

Yeah but now it's overkill with Mon El that he's chewing up all of Kara's scenes.

This show is recycling the whole James/Kara arc and it' so frustrating. DC writers can't write romances for their leads.

Personally dislike them pairing non POC fratboy with Kara after she dumped James. Ick, Plus dude sucks the energy out of every scene with Kara.

My biggest problem with the show is that the humans were amazingly stupid for the last few episodes, I mean shockingly stupid.

True in some respects but not true in others. It has biases like all journalism has to varying degrees.

I think it was right after Terminus they decided to join Eugene et al on his mission to get to DC.