Maudite Balvenie

How much?

TBF he seems to be doing better with Wayward Pines.

I would love to have Plinkett review this.

I think Snyder is like George Lucas in that he needs someone to reign him in.

Yeah thats the sucky part. :/

Yeah but gas is about 30-40 cents cheaper per gallon in Jersey compared to NY that we always stop to refuel on our way back.

I live in Queens and I hate hate hate driving to and through Jersey. Too bad Jersey didn't have Robert Moses.

Jughandle turns >.>

With or without manipulation?

I do think it will drawn out. I mean we're still in the No Way Out story arc and it's been 5 episodes so far.

Like Sandman always best to start with the beginning.

Supernatural has nothing on Preacher. See TC, Messiah, Jesus Desade, etc etc. In Supernatural the angels are douchbags and God "left" them to fend for themselves. In Preacher God himself is a huge tool. Heck I guarantee they will totally tone the Messiah down and make him an autistic superchild instead of how he was

The tone of the trailer was off for me.

For those who love the comics Preacher will be a disappointment.

And Dandy remained. Blech!

I despise every character left.

Just watched it and felt like it was an after school special about the dangers of heroin with zombies.

Would love to see it from the perspective of the Military.

Think the cast signed for 5 years.

There is some truth to that. Even though Brighton Sharbino was chilling as Lizzie I thought that plot point was a bit far fetched and I hope I'm not rolling my eyes with the Whisperer storyline. Either way not going to worry about it since it is way way down the road.