
Wyoming is a series of underground government black sites for alien research. All that cattle lures down the UFOs low enough for the incessant wind to knock them to ground. Agents need only toddle out of their lair to sweep up the wreckage and drag in the aliens with but a few mules.

Is the Yellow King a bride of the Red God? Is Carcosa the Shadow by Asshai?

Meeranbran cornflakes are made with whole grain Jojen.

The only way I enjoyed this game was to ignore Jason and the cabins altogether to mindlessly kill zombies to see what they'd drop. I also liked Super Smash TV, so repetitive killing was appealing for me.

It is very sweet how they can achieve erections at such an old age. We can all hope to find outlets of love from multiple individuals at the same time.

When she rubbed the lotion on his crotch, she slipped her pinky in his urethra. Thus, Don was raped.

RP marriages were before Everquest, with Ultima Online. And before Ultima Online, with MUDs. And before MUDs with D&D.

Terrifying doesn't half cover it. That Gollum looked more amphibian than hobbit, except for those goddamn ears. They should be ridiculous, but I found them so jarring they enhanced that eerie recluse.

You didn't see how Dicky, Coover, and Doyle turned out on Justified through her nurturing. Jorah is downright distinguished compared to them.

This show's epilogue will be Gendry arriving in his dinghy at a destroyed, empty King's Landing. He wanders aimlessly until he takes a break to sit on what remains of the Iron Throne, where upon Queen's "Princes of the Universe" plays as White Walkers, Children of the Forest, Stannis's shadow babies, and Dragons

It'd be nice if the show repeatedly kills Jon and forces Melissandre to keep resurrecting him. Snow would greatly benefit from having his past memories eroded and making his personally swerve away from brooding stick-in-the-butt.

Little Finger is nothing without her. He's done practically jack and shit since her death. It was her clinginess that fueled his Machiavellian plans.

Why are you paying attention to Mr. Angel? Santino Marella is not only a skilled magician, but also insightful about life. Has he spread his message through books on tape yet to educate us all on the mystical wisdom of failed Romans?

Listen, David Copperfield used his magic to bring world peace for five seconds. Chris Angel, on the other hand, causes ten square meters of desertification with every trick.

Oprah's studio chairs were always intended as the driver's seats in Pontiacs. You need them both you fool!

The Mountain Goats really should be employing Dino for all their music videos. Throw the poor guy a bone, he's been a wreck since the cancellation of Frankenhole.

Frank Herbert is woefully underrepresented in homages and parodies. Him and about 90% of all literature.

The Lord of Light is a strong proponent of No Homo. Thoros of Myr giving Beric the kiss of life seven times has already exhausted the Red God's tolerance.

I'm proud that I don't know what the word means and cannot decipher it through context. I hope the word accepts your proposed retirement plan.

John Denver