
I, too, learned of them through Moral Orel. No Children was used to perfectly, it's like Dino had been waiting all series to use that song. We're not as big of posers as the Walking Deaders, but we're still late comers who'll never get songs like Store. EVER.

I would love to hear what other "bad" movies your friend loves, because that explanation elevates him beyond condemnations.

I only like the North Irish. Protestant philosophy lends itself better to suicide bombings. I do have to credit Catholicism for embracing the mutilation of sinners, which puts the Northerners at a disadvantage overall.

The favor currying better be purely sexual.

Then I need to harass my 2 and 4 year old nieces to use rotten tomatoes. I think socking their ears until they learn to type will speed up their reading comprehension.

So critics are bias to favor kid's movies when the greater public is scrambling for deadbeat comedies.

It makes perfect sense. The vaginal operation is the deadliest.

I know your pain. When will radio dramas become all the rage once more? My peepers got better things to do than watch acting.

I think it is literal. (NSFW)

Because photoshop filters?

I hope the show realizes to retain its humor instead of crawling up it's own ass as season one went on.

You know nothing, Pack. House Baratheon has always been a puppet state of the Northern King. Winterfell is crawling with White Walkers who whispered their treasonous agendas in Ned's ear, looking to ruin the Peaceful, Loyal Southerners. Joffrey is the only Baratheon you can trust because of the purifying infusion

The gap between the immature and the adults pretending to be younger than they really are.

The puppeteers of King's Landing are the finest…

But who will be his queen?!?!

I'd love to hear that done to "The Obliteration of Flab Quarv 7".

My older brother of 13 years indoctrinated me early to Weird Al, Marvel Comics, and Atari video games.

Until full immersion technology is developed, Martin's meals will be a faint shadow that taunts us with all the unrealized succulency.

I'm more concerned with the widespread illiteracy in the Tleilax's Language of God. If you cannot read the Slig's heritage at a glance, how do we know if the pig-to-slug ratio meets FDA regulations?