
There's a lot of potential in that one.  Tight knit groupies that are subtly manipulating Project Mayhem for their own ends.  Narrator has to resurrect Tyler in order to gain back control, only to discover that he'd been the groupies all along because sex with Marla has grown stale. How does he balance between the

I look at God behind his desk, taking notes on a pad, but God's got this all wrong.

Someone else who liked Invisible Monsters.  A very trashy novel, but man do I love how stupidly self-destructive everyone is.  Even the worst mistakes won't make the shallow puddles of their personality any deeper.

@avclub-573185e7a57bcdcd68d7895cf83ffe66:disqus being verbose is easy.  It's actually more time consuming for a writer to be succinct since they have to hunt for economic words that convey as much as possible.

Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun.  The almost familiar yet bizarrely alien world should have inspired many more pretenders.  Maybe I don't read enough fantasy, but I'd never visited a world like it, and five books wasn't enough to wet my appetite.  Shame about what a New Sun did to everything.  Now I'll never know

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus There's skatole, but that's done with any mammal's turds.

Starburns is dead forever.  He's got to focus on writing Orel Babies.

I had a cat who was morbidly obese and would wake me up so I could rub his paunch over his crotch until he fell asleep.

And I say to myself, "I need exact change."

Letting Theon keep his balls would be pretty cruel.  He'd keep his libido but lack the means of sating it.  He's have to turn to having his prostate milked like Varys, and for a guy like Theon that'd just add to his degredation.

Gatsby had more than he earned because Jesus loved him, and thus made his wallet overflow with goldfish and cheesy bread.  If any of us were worthy of God's love, we too would be showered in prosperity. 

All those times before, it was all in good fun.  Once the cancer hit, the criticism became super serious.



They drank all their product to smuggle it safely. 

You got to stay sober for the Conquest of Mexico reenactment using horny toads and frogs.  It's too beautiful to muddy with inebriation.  Save the doping for afterwards.

Reading Gene Wolfe's The Sword of the Lictor from his Book of the New Sun series.  Plan to finish the series this month and hopefully read them again after a short hiatus.  Loving the bizarre little series and hoping his other work holds up just as well.

Lovecraft, thank you for reminding me about Super Cannes.  I never understood why everyone thumbed their nose at that book.  Granted, I didn't read Cocaine Nights which it was supposedly a retread of.

It's perfectly normal to pretend to be your own relatives.  I prefer to be my mom and my dad at the moment of my conception.

They could get the guy that played Pierce's dead bigot father to play Pierce, so long as they start incorporating the colorful racism into his dialog.