
@Master Plaster Caster
If the bad animation to aggravate is the point, then you're in the wrong. If you aren't pissed off at the show for intentionally making you suffer, your opinion is invalid. You were never the target audience and you contaminate the creator's vision.

My only disappointment with World Without Us was he didn't delve into invasive species and vermin enough. Will pigeons eventually become like passenger pigeons without bread crumbs to keep them concentrated in cities? What will be the closed ecosystem of the fenced backyard? Will grass nesting birds boom within

JG Ballard
I'm really loving Ballard's Complete Stories. He's so much better in short story form than the repetitious novels of the last half of his career would lead one to believe.

The Sun Belt
Is she moving back to the deep South to squander her fortunes on the upkeep of her plantation manor?

It's the heartland because they continue to indulge in the all-American pass time of drowning cows and clubbing rabbits that scream like babies. You carpetbaggers and your empty debauchery will never understand what you lost to be Mr. Hollywood CEO.

Never Forget Empire of the Sun
I wouldn't trust Spielberg with an adaption. With Empire of the Sun, he succumbed to giving Jim a happy ending when none was to be found in the novel. There was also a deficit in dead Chinese and drunk American sailors trying to piss on the Chinese they liberated. Don't trust him with

I was fully awake and the song, and accompanying montage, ruined the episode for me. Forced endearment makes me taste bile.

The Pakistanis make it culturally mandatory to marry your cousin to keep your bloodline pure. It's common to give birth to at least one pinhead.

Amelie is a bee bigot. Those are obviously horse flies living in her noggin.

Bored? No. Physically screwed up from faking a limp? Yes.

I'm an omnivore, but I will sometimes voice concern for vegetarians and their b12 deficiency. This is mainly aimed at the ones who cut out eggs. I don't feel enough insects contaminate packaged foods to meet their daily needs. I think something as simple as frying foods in tallow or nibbling bacon once a month will

Quizboy's deflowering.
I didn't find Quizboy being raped by Hatred as funny. It nullified any like I had for Hatred.

I was weary of the show due to learning it was a failed pilot. I don't have much faith in resurrection abandoned shows years later. But the episode where the puppets go sailing to find a bottle of imagination made me feel like a shit stain for ever doubting.

Indians were pretty inconsiderate and died all over the place, essentially making everywhere an indian burial ground.

Bless Kricfalusi and his bottomless loathing for most contemporary animation. It seems only Cartoon Network's daytime cartoons are worth approving, but only for very specific aspects.

I think it was Phantom Limb. He's squatting in 21's room as he stalks Dr. Girlfriend and plots his revenge.

Game Features
I hope they pillage every show that features survival to flesh out the game. If there's a chance I can die from drinking out of a sheep corpse lake or choking on fish sausages (fish gills stuffed into their stomach), I can die happy.



Remember to consider the time it takes for Brock to go from a fatty to fighting shape in the span of time. It's alot easier to go from muscular to fat than fat to muscular.