
Cicely Tyson looks flawless and has the hottest date there. The end.

By the way my mom went to this screening and met Oprah, so the world can go ahead and end now.

On the one hand, I agree. O'Dowd is the only one people will be familiar with in the U.S.

Whatever, dude. I just had a male member of a board I've posted on for four years straight-up call me ugly, and I didn't even flinch, even though his own avatar is definitely a 3/10 WOULD NOT BANG situation. Women of the Internet are just used to this stuff. (Also, I am totally adorable.)

This is all I see.

A shame there's a double standard = guys don't get the hint.

As a straight male, if I'm getting hit on and am uninterested, it's way easy to just change the subject and the nice lady picks up the cue. Unfortunately, many men seem unable to take a hint and hang onto these crushes.

Saying all that, I'm just as guilty as

When I left my lying cheating ex-fiance, he came home to an empty apartment, because it was all mine, including the bed. I just had that shit cleaned and bought a nice new set of sheets, since I couldn't afford a new one that nice. However, that engagement ring went straight to ebay, and financed a nice trip to

I have $95k in student loans and somebody who has grumpy looking cat is raking it in.

Her owners pimp her like the rent was due last week. Poor Grumpy Cat.

That was me in my family. "Do you really need that cookie?" became a constant struggle with me feeling like I didn't "deserve" food, and then feeling guilty for eating it. It created an incredibly unhealthy emotional connection to eating that would not have been there if my parents had simply chosen healthier options

I imagine Jon Stewart is pretty happy to be away from the Daily Show desk during this Weiner story - remember, he and Carlos Danger were roomies in college!

A squishy fetus stress toy? MY MIND HAS BEEN CHANGED!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!!! I'm totes pro-life now. If you give me a squishy assault rifle and a squishy hetero married couple, I will change my mind about gun control and gay marriage, too!

Well, I plan on gestating a garden gnome.

As someone who has been exoticized, sexualized and othered by males by the function that I was 'non-white' female, this video was awesome! In my anger-fantasies as a teenager, I wanted to be the one around who they were supposed to prance around, all dressed prettily and in a way that pleases me. After having a

First, late me say that this is adorable.

You forgot the most important part: The shoes in this video were 1000x better than the monstrosities in the original video. That was enough right there to justify this remake.

I honestly didn't see it, even after reading this and looking for it. The eye contact didn't seem powerful to me. It actually seemed attention-seeking, always aware of where the camera was like a reality tv star. The women reminded me of Courtney Stodden, trying to prove they matter by being naked, but the men STILL

He's like Jon Hamm in that his day job is something I'd never in my life choose to watch, but all of his appearances outside of it are hilarious and great and it makes me mad that they're not just doing funny things all the time.