Maude St. Nubbins

Gotta correct you there - it’s been a shithole since January 20th, 1981, when the Reagan administration opened the Pandora’s Box that made this moment in our country possible.

We don’t care if Pence is uncomfortable with gay people. We absolutely care when he leverages that discomfort to discriminate, oppress and/or endanger people who don’t conform to his narrow view of sexuality. That’s it, stop trying to spin this into “the left are a bunch of thought police” nonsense.

In the excellent, dearly-departed Dead Author’s Podcast, HG Wells (Paul F Tompkins) briefly discusses Little Wars with Gary Gygax (Chris Tallman):

Read up on Amazon’s effect on Seattle in just the past five years, and ask again whether the 20k professional jobs is worth the price. Context is everything.

It’s more than tax revenue and profit at stake. Amazon basically IS downtown Seattle now, which requires a ton of support services, housing and infrastructure to support. So skyrocketing housing values push those service people out of the city, and we’ve seen fuckall in terms of meaningful infrastructure improvements

Be careful what you wish for, especially if you don’t work in the tech industry. You’ll be priced out of the city you love in a few years and won’t see any infrastructure improvements, as we in Seattle found out. Good luck.

Trump, is that you?

Gosh I hope there’s a revolution soon and people like you who use “snowflake” as a pejorative are the first against the wall.

If you want to migrate to the tablet version, there’s a way to move your PC save back and forth via Dropbox. I can’t imagine that the Switch version features the same option, but it does appear that the save data is compatible. However, I understand what you’re saying, and agree.

Did you forget his time on Facts of Life? For shame.

Really, what about every DOS game ever made? You’re emulating them, your operating system doesn’t technically support them. Again, mobile devices are not gaming consoles. The paradigm is different.

If you want to play your games forever, play board games or keep devices around that support them, just like you’d have to do with your old consoles. Without emulation or physical hardware, most of the games you’ve played throughout your life aren’t playable either. 

And yes, Cursed Child is garbage. It’s the extreme example of what the OP is aksing for - pandering fan service where everyone is related to the original characters.

I simply find it ironic that you’re mad that you didn’t get more of the same, as you tend to be the same people who complained that TFA was a copy of ANH. You’ll never be happy. And frankly, aren’t you bored of seeing the same tropes repeated endlessly? If not, more power to you.

The trilogy was absolutely NOT worked out before it began. Between the text of the “Art of” books for the last two films, behind the scenes articles and director interviews, there should be zero doubt that they’ve been making this up as they go along. Rian did not have to work with Abrams’s story, and the only real

Anakin’s parent (not plural). He’s the Star Wars spin on the virgin birth.

Do not forget that Clone Wars predates the Disney purchase and is also canon. Every “wacky” scenario in TLJ has a precedent in the films or TCW.

They’re not talking about the Leia Scene, but Holdo’s hyperspace one.

It’s going to happen at some point. I personally felt that it would have started this election cycle if Hillary won, but yes, I’m sure 2018 will see some smaller skirmishes ahead of a larger pattern of political violence in 2020. We’re just kicking the can down the road, not resolving any of the underlying hate and

Absolutely agreed.