Maude St. Nubbins

I would set up generic catalog items with a scale of price points in the dev portal and simply point at one of them while I was testing economies. It’s easy to dynamically update the game database with those pointers, and doesn’t require resubmission to an app store.

The truth is that it’s not all. It’s uncommon that players figure it out. Here’s a secret - the purpose of soft launches for mobile games is largely economy optimization and AB testing is the backbone.

What’s funny to me is that F2P developers have been doing it to you for years, and you’re just noticing now.

Came in her to also say the same thing other devs are saying - it’s AB testing. I could do the exact same thing using services like Leanplum a few years ago, which would assign users to a random cohort that I set up and track behavior up to and including purchase. The purpose is still the same - optimize the number of

You don’t need the GotY edition, it’s a title update for the core game, regardless of version. As long as you didn’t delete your saves, you’re good to go.

Some conventions have a “two-factor authentication” process for badges in a (futile) attempt to minimize scalping and counterfeits. For example, with E3 and GDC you do get the badge in the mail but still have to wait in line to pick up an official badge holder and verify your identity.

If Monsanto was good enough for Disney, it can’t be bad.

Elective mode changes the entire game experience (for the better) and gives the player precise control over builds. On some of my characters I have two basic “generator” skills (a long range and a short range) to keep my secondaries always powered up.

It’s a great documentary. Those ladies give zero fucks. :)

Thank you, came here just to say that. It played at an art house theater near me and a few of the surviving wrestlers featured in the film were in attendance.

You don’t see a lot of tattoos, do you? It’s real, and it doesn’t require future tech to do it. Check out Nikko Hurtato’s work if you don’t believe me -

You’re describing textbook survivor bias - because you overcame it, anyone should be able to. I’m glad you developed coping skills out of a horrible experience, but understand that there are endless other variables that factor into how an individual deals with bullying.

You have that right, but put it this way - they’ve been actively supporting the game for 5 years, for free. Your comparison to Lord of Destruction is moot, since 30 bucks in 2000 dollars is almost 45 bucks today.

I assume from your screen name you’re a professional troll. Regardless, you’re a fucking bottom-feeder, the emptiness in your soul must be overwhelming.

How many times have we said that? That fucker has slipped out of every scandal so far, ones that would have destroyed anyone else’s political aspirations. Does anyone have any real belief that this will be his downfall?

Can you blame them? A crowded convention of unwashed, misogynist gamers is hardly inviting, no matter how much a woman may love gaming. It was irritating enough working booths and people assuming I was was some marketing shill, not a fucking designer on a console game. And that was before they started letting the

The golden days of swag are long, long gone. It peaked around the time Phantom Hourglass came out. Sure, there are some treasures to be found here and there, but there were years past where an old friend had a cottage industry on the side selling E3 swag on ebay that would keep him busy for months.

I have no idea how you can ask what happened to personal responsibility with a straight face. It doesn’t exist, certainly not in our culture. That is the basic fallacy of your libertarian bullshit. No responsibility, no accountability.

It took a total of 10 minutes for the first pundits and Don Jr. to connect the shooting to Democratic rhetoric. Every time some extremist asshole feels the need to take the law into his/her own hands, this administration and Fox News gets another opportunity to paint their enemies as terrorists. Fuck.

The irony is that the shooting postponed a debate on the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act...the initiative that would make it easier to take guns across state lines, buy silencers, etc.