
Yep. “We condemn this behavior in the strongest possible terms - hey everyone, here’s a good one that slams her body and looks!”

Social stigma around a woman having sex but with her husband is still a taboo subject. She is owning her sexuality and it frightens the general public. How dare she fuck like a man?

She needs to bang whoever the fuck she wants that is willing and keep offending these idiot’s “sensibilities”. The uptick in blood pressure will help them die off quicker.

Reason #293298984 to despise this awful show.

“Well I’ll tell you this, I would take you as a role model for my kids over anybody who would be a cyberbully and spew that kind of hate,” said Chris.

Excuse me, Republicans. You are wrong and:

Republicans just need to:

did he sing this comment in his stupid, never funny Opera-Man voice?

What else do you think she might have done as a little girl? Sabotaged the RAF? Gone to Germany to work as a concentration camp guard?

People joined this site for some outside fucking. This data release would just be another form of it. A bonus round, if you will.

Ugh, that is brutal.

(i’m sure this is what his victims saw right before they blacked out)

Also an extreme sense of entitlement. They can do whatever they want to whomever they please, just because. They deserve it, regardless of what the other person wants.

He suggested he was skilled in picking up the nonverbal cues that signal a woman’s consent.

I bet it’ll be windy.

I really have to stop reading this thread or I’m genuinely going to hurt myself laughing.

I’ve never seen losers have so many monuments across a country they wanted to leave, they seceded from America!