This would be the first comment, i hate the internet.
This would be the first comment, i hate the internet.
He’s a fantastic actor and oh so easy on the eyes. No wonder, really.
When I used Internet dating sites, I was really clear I didn’t want kids. Guys would open up their emails to me questioning why I didn’t want children. That used to bother me so much. I haven’t even agreed to date you and you’re talking to me about kids? Fuck off.
My gyno once asked me why I didn’t want kids. I didn’t mean to come off bitchy, but I honestly couldn’t think of an answer beyond “Well...I just don’t want them.” I have to have a long explanation? Why don’t you want an iguana? You just don’t. The iguana is fine over there.
The “you’ll change your mind” thing is the worst. I know what I want, and mostly importantly, what I don’t want. Asshole.
Who are these selfish weirdos who expect their children to spend their lives caring for them? If I have kids I want them to go live their damn lives, not be sitting around waiting on me hand and foot.
I’m 40, married, with no children. It’s amazing how in 2017 I still get snide comments from people for choosing a life without kids (particularly from women of child bearing age). I’m selfish, my life has no meaning, and, by all accounts, I’ll have no one to care for me when I’m old. Even as a child growing up, I knew…
It reminds me of Hannibal Lecter talking about Clarice’s shoes and bag.
Can you imagine a 61 year old prolific female screen star bring a 20 something boyfriend to an award show and no one would bat an eyelash?
Asking a genuine question: do you think he should be shunned forever?
Mel Gibson is second only to Tom Cruise in the “scary smile and crazy eyes” category, and I wish he would fall into a rip in space-time, but I have to say I loved Apocalypto.
Not weird at all! I’ve liked it only sometimes. Often I don’t.
Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.
Trump seems to think that insulting foreign leaders is a great idea yet demands everyone else treats him with respect.