
The 3 year-old boy was standing on his chair, pants down around his ankles, peeing. Directly into a cup. Grandma is seated next to him holding said cup.

Yeah, because it was well-written, funny and convincing.

Thor attacks Steve and Tony in their first encounter...

This is what happens when your adopted father IS THE WORST PERSON ON EARTH.

Because characterization means fuck-all to Snyder. He basically only uses dialogue to get from one setpiece to another. That’s why so much of it is nonsensical, like Ma Kent giving Clark Ayn Rand advice instead of, you know, the way she’s been characterized for seven decades.

There is no way this won’t be amazing. Bruce Campbell is a national treasure. Hail to the King, baby.

Seriously, I’m about to pop. Breakin’ out the Evil Dead DVDs tonight.

Pregnancy is far more dangerous to the woman than an abortion procured from a trained medical professional.

Devaluing women’s work is one of the GOP’s favorite pastimes.

“If an embryo is “not a person, what is it? Because if you left it alone, that’s the only thing it can become,” he said. “It can’t develop into a pony!”

Sorry but I don’t really give a shit about your ”straight pride.” Pride is not a concept for straight people to adopt because society is not making you feel ashamed for being straight.

This is all well and good, but McCubbins needs to start thinking about a running mate to balance out the ticket. I know most people will suggest Grumpy Cat, but I think he should consider the more populist Lil Bub. Grumpy is too alienating — particularly to the canine vote.


The only fever I respect is More Cowbell fever.

Dear Putin: