They killed his mother, destroyed his military career, vilified his wife, and let his pedo uncle off the hook with barely the most token criticism. Of course he hates the tabloid press.
They killed his mother, destroyed his military career, vilified his wife, and let his pedo uncle off the hook with barely the most token criticism. Of course he hates the tabloid press.
They have treated her like shit and because her husband saw what killed his mom (they were running away from the press) he is putting a stop to it but it’s her fault??? Man miss me with the bullshit. He wants his family to be happy and peaceful. Good for them.
Fuck the Royal family and the British tabloid press. I can’t blame these two at all.
I guess being royal comes with actual official responsibilities, while just being rich doesn’t. For example, the Queen has done more military service than at least 4 generations of Trumps put together.
I’m sure if you stripped Meghan & Harry of their titles, they’d be quite happy. That’s why they’re separating themselves from the rest of the family. They want nothing to do with the bullshit.
the brits legal system is still based on royal prerogative, but sure they can finally move that power to parliament completely.
I guess it depends on what you’re cooking, but I love the unique smells of people’s houses if they’re decent cooks. I mean, all it takes is sauteing some garlic & onions to make a house smell welcoming.
I look forward to seeing this reported on The Root, because our friend Jasmine is black.
If you have an open floor plan there is basically no way to control the temperature in your house when you are heating it! All those doors and walls are there for a reason!
Actually, she’d prefer it if assholes like you would let her wear whatever the fuck she wants. How is telling her what she CAN’T wear any different from telling her what she MUST wear? Both are people, usually men, telling a woman what to and not to do with her body. Also, fuck you, you bigoted piece of shit.
I hate that 20 ppl liked your insinuation. The Root covered this before Jezebel did.
Their statement is factual and didn’t assume anything about the attacker at all.
She didn't assume anything. IndianaJoan just stated that Portland one of the "Whitest " cities in America.
kill yourself
kill yourself
No, the answer is no. It does not make her racist for assuming that. Go back to Stormfront hon.
I see that the woman accused is not white, but that doesn’t change the fact that Portland has a long history of hate crimes and pushing minorities out of the city.
You’re right, but he normally doesn’t let things like facts get in the way, just sticks to the talking points that look good for him.
eat shit