
I like how you distinguish between furries and Lola Bunny ‘enthusiasts’.

Who spends $18.50 on a standard [m]ovie theater ticket?

Counter-counterpoint: Star War: The Rise of Skywalker was not the worst thing you’ll ever see, but should have been WAY better for a movie ending a 42-year-old story. It was criminally anti-climactic, in spite of all the shit going on at the end of the movie.

I really think the problem is that these cats are too sexual for the “holiday things to do with moms and grandmas” crowd, but they’re not fuckable enough for the furries, vore, and Lola Bunny enthusiasts. 

I live in Rural Kentucky, and I have never met anyone who has admitted to voting for Bevin.

It’s always worth mentioning that Moore only got blocked from the Senate because black women turned out in historic numbers to say “Fuck no”.

Alabama almost elected a guy to the Senate that cruised the local mall for teen girls, because he wasn’t a Democrat.

These Conservatives want to keep their guns, and keep their Trump.

His next line will be more appropriate.

It was no joke, because school shootings are genuinely excellent for the right wing. They get to whip up panic about people evil Democrats coming to take your guns. The NRA gets a few more donations (from Americans this time), the gun makers’ stock prices go up, and everyone forgets about it 2 days later.

“No, no, don’t even say that, no, don’t even say that,” Hayden said. “Don’t call us. Chuck didn’t say that.”

I believe KNUS Denver is owned by Sinclair broadcasting a company that owns many TV and radio stations across America and that make Fox seem liberal

Do they pronounce the station name as ‘kaynus’? It would be fitting.

He’s white.  He thought he was being hilarious.

In additional “Whoa, sh*t just got REAL” for conservatives....Christianity Today (prominent evangelical magazine founded by Billy Graham) just put out an editorial that stated that Trump should be removed from office.

Give his demon seed another year of growing up with his racist rhetoric sure. He’ll get one of daddy’s Second Amendment Rights from the Freedom Cabinet and fufill his father’s wishes.

JFC, Gorka might even be worse than the local idiots. 

Chuck, you want a shooting?

This was no joke, it’s an example of the fascist pro-authoritarian mindset that animates these TrumpBots, where preserving lawless “leadership” is worth any cost whatsoever, including the lives of schoolkids or living in a vassal state ultimately controlled by that other lawless “leader” Putin.

And they replaced them with Sebastian Gorka’s radio show.